Starting the Packing Process

Hello! Hope Sunday was all you expected it to be!
We spent some time today putting our packs together to see what we need to take on our upcoming hike.
I am lucky to have been able to borrow my cousins good hiking pack and a few other useful things.
When you don’t do this kind of adventure very often its hard to know exactly what you need. Both over or under packing would have their own annoyances.

(Upstairs where we are packing our stuff is where I have my garlic hanging and drying which is the reason the floor is looking a bit scruffy in the above photo… time to drag the vacuum upstairs!!)

Some home comforts…

Fly veils – reckon will come in handy. Gaiters – very useful. One of the cooking tins and of course some knitted gear for when the weather gets a bit chilly!

My cousin, Fiona, has also loaned me her pack liner – extra waterproofing in Tasmania never goes astray!

I have various layers of clothes. Unless it starts to snow, I probably won’t need the big jacket during hiking day. You keep warm with the exercise.
I have really skimped on the clothes I am packing, however I have been generous with the socks and undies. I just think with fresh ‘foundation garments’ the start of a new day seems more positive! 😀

The majority of my extra clothes are in this compression bag. Handy item which has compacted them really well. Naturally I have left things like my rain jacket, scarf, beanie, gloves & main jacket more accessible in case the weather turns pear shaped on us.

I can’t tell you how much I hated going through the supermarket checkout buying two packs of 2 minute noodles. Me!! Who grows fresh food and cooks from scratch! Blah! How embarrassing!!!
The noodles do have a big advantage in that we can crush them down to pack a little better, and they certainly do cook extremely quickly. We will discard the ‘flavour satchels’ (shudder) in favour of adding my rehydrated meals. Along with a cup of soup to start – I think we will be eating well. (or coming home really skinny)(so its a win-win whatever)
I still have to test rehydrating my curry dish and make a couple more things.
Jeff wants to make fresh beef jerky and also some more muesli bars.
The chocolates will be a treat and an energy boost!
Wraps will be the go for lunches. We bought a pack today and I tested it out on Jeff. Thumbs up, so will go buy more, as right now they are half price! Can’t sneeze at that! I am hoping to be able to manage to pack several tomatoes (most not quite ripe)(they can ripen as we go) so we can put them on our wraps. I reckon I can fit in some relish and a block of cheese.

So…about two weeks away from the start date!!
Now, just to decide what camera gear to drag along too! (The MOST important bit!)


PS Some Overland Trail reminder photos! I can’t wait to get to the point of the first photo below as that’s where we turned back last visit! Looking forward to seeing what is beyond!


Author: Lisa

A happy traveller through life! Right now living in NW Tasmania with a gorgeous Nurse-Husband, a fool of a Siamese Cat and several chickens. We love our fairly simple lifestyle of growing a lot of what we eat and enjoying the stunning surrounds of our little patch.

2 thoughts on “Starting the Packing Process”

    1. lol – very uncharacteristic of me! But its not like we can just pick up forgotten things at the corner store so figure best pack REALLY thoughtfully!! 🙂

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