Squirt Update

Miss Squirt had a pretty good day today.
I got up early (7am – don’t judge, haha) to stoke the fire back up again so the house would be warm when Jeff came in off his nightshift.
Hopped back into bed and about 20 minutes later someone is making chook-chook noises.
So I got back up to see if Squirt wanted some breakfast.
Did she ever! Ate quite a lot of her porridge (which also has molasses in it and some tuna…mmmmm) Good start to the day.

Later when I got up properly, there was a reasonable amount of sun out so I thought she could try to stretch her legs while I cleaned out her box again.

Pip insisted on coming outside too but then sat behind the gumboots and took zero interest in chicken-rehabilitation.

Meanwhile Miss Hairdo was really enjoying herself scratching about the strawberry patch

I fed her some lettuce but it was a bit beyond her to shake it into pieces small enough, but when I shredded it into little bits, she really gulped it down.
She also got some bread treats which she loves!

Her poo is a bit better formed (you wanted to know didn’t you?) but its a little hard to tell with her as, um, well, she wasn’t named Squirt because she was little… (That was Jeff!! Nurses!)

So… she is not out of the woods but I am happy she has a much better appetite. She cares about cleaning porridge off her beak – another good sign.
She is now snugged down in her cat box, head under wing in front of the fire.

Time for me to get to bed too!

Have a great day!



Author: Lisa

A happy traveller through life! Right now living in NW Tasmania with a gorgeous Nurse-Husband, a fool of a Siamese Cat and several chickens. We love our fairly simple lifestyle of growing a lot of what we eat and enjoying the stunning surrounds of our little patch.

6 thoughts on “Squirt Update”

    1. And bacon! haha. I just figured she needed protein and the tuna shreds up small. She is outside right now even better than yesterday – Its good for her I think to be out in the fresh air so I am glad its not too bad of a day again.

  1. So glad Squirt is doing better. Hope she keeps improving.
    It’s terrible having sick little ones. Sounds like she is in good hands.

    1. Thanks Carmen! Today she was ready to come out of her box in the lounge room!! So now she is enjoying a bit of outside time with some scraps in the strawberry patch area again. I don’t want to get my hopes up too much, but its a good sign!

  2. You are a good chook mama! I enjoy your posts so much. I’ve been keeping up with that chicken of yours and rooting for her. She is looking a lot better to me. It is hard for me to imagine the difference in seasons between Alabama in the USA and where you are. We are having lots of heat, in the 90’s most days, and quite a bit of rain here. Most of the garden vegetables have come and gone. We may have some late tomatoes because of the rain we are getting though. My sister checked at the end of the garden today to see how the Pawpaw’s are doing. They are not ripe yet but they will be sometime in August. Do they have Pawpaw’s there? They grow easy from seed but it may not be legal to ship seeds from here to you.

    1. Hi Kathy! Thanks so much for the Squirt Support. She had a bigger day outside and even ran off when I tried to catch her for ‘rest time’ lol Fingers crossed!
      You have really had a proper summer! I hope your tomatoes hang on a bit – thats always a bonus.
      Pawpaws are grown in Australia but more up north where the weather is more tropical. Sadly I doubt I would have any success at all down at the bottom of the country! (and thank-you, but seeds coming into Australia is pretty much a no-no… actually even on top of that Tasmania has restrictions on even getting plants/seeds from the mainland! I can send them out to my friends but they can’t send them back. On the upside – we have far fewer pest problems down here.)
      Enjoy the warm days while you have them!!! 🙂

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