Soggy Day of Not Rest

Fluffed out blossoms

Remember yesterday I said something rash about putting the fire on, taking it easy… ? Well, there was lots of rain today and I did get the fire on, but Jeff thought it would be the best day ever to spend a few hours on the beach agate hunting!!

It was pretty bleak outside and it was hard to muster appropriate enthusiasm, but I found my gloves, beanie & raincoat and joined in the fun!

I didn’t even take my camera as I knew it would be too wet to take it out šŸ™‚

Still… for all my initial lack of enthusiasm, we really had a great few hours on the beach with some nice finds. Yes, we were pretty wet by the time we were done, but weren’t as cold as I thought!

I’ll take some photos of some of those finds when I have more light


The cherry blossom out the front has a few nice clusters of blossoms out. Over the next week it should look amazing -as long as the wind doesn’t kick up too much more!

Speaking of wind – How are all the Florida people going?? I didn’t look at the latest news today! Hope you are all hanging in there safe and sound!


Pretty blossoms against a bleak sky!

I did empty the tumblers again tonight. I took a quick snap of the successful rocks – I think one of the agates was crumbling and adding grit which hasn’t been helping the polishing stage.


I’ll try to get some better photos tomorrow!

In the meantime, stay dry, warm and enjoy what is left of your weekends!


Author: Lisa

A happy traveller through life! Right now living in NW Tasmania with a gorgeous Nurse-Husband, a fool of a Siamese Cat and several chickens. We love our fairly simple lifestyle of growing a lot of what we eat and enjoying the stunning surrounds of our little patch.

4 thoughts on “Soggy Day of Not Rest”

  1. Tampa did fine just a lot of wind but no damage. Northern Florida on the east coast had 16 to 20 foot surge waters and most coastal cities got hammered. Dayton Beach and Jacksonville got the worst of it.

    1. Hi – that sounds insane! I will do some googling today to see what the news is. I was being lazy and just looked at my ‘trending topics’ on facebook, but it seems like the kardashians are more important (and really – to me thats a total yawn!! lol)
      Thanks for the info!!!

  2. Hi Lisa – As above Florida survived. South Carolina and Georgia took a lot of water and wind. My state of North Carolina had a lot of wind and water as well. Roads are washed out and bridges and piers have broken and swept out to sea. Inland where I am we got lots of rain, which we needed, wind gusts that brought down limbs and such. I have been picking up sticks and taking to the road for pickup in the morning. The pecans and black walnuts are beginning to fall as well. It’s much cooler today and a feeling of Fall is in the air. Enjoying all of your pictures.

    1. Hello! Thanks for writing all that! I just had a bit of a browse of the news sites and there is a bit of a mess – but seems like it could have easily been worse… and poor Haiti!!!
      Today we are getting brilliant sun – for 10 minutes, then torrential rain… then sun again! lol.

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