Soap Workshop…

Hello there!

Dropping by to share what was made at Sundays Workshop!
I had 5 lovely ladies and two volunteers helping me by running about and doing the dishes (bless their cotton socks!)(Someone doing my dishes?? All my dreams come true right there!!)

We start off with some introductions, and some cake and coffee while I… basically talk a lot!!
There is a lot of important info that goes along with it all – so hopefully got all the essential basics without overwhelming everyone.

I have a bunch of soaps at the table for inspiration – plus its just nice for people to check stuff out and see what is possible in the soap making realm.
I have my supplies table where everyone can sniff the fragrances and look through the colours and moulds

Then there is the table where all the action happens. The loaf that I pre made to cut… somehow have missed getting a photo of that!

I pre mix most of the lye and bring it along in jars cooled and ready to use.
I do the one demo of mixing the lye as its critical and VERY important for people to realise just how dangerous this stuff can be and how to handle it.

Then into the soap making – so much fun when everyone gets to choose what they are going to make.

As you can see… quite the variety!
The super fun part is me packing up and balancing all these in the car for the 25 minute drive back home (in the rain of course)
I will come up with a better transport system soon I think.
The classes have filled very quickly and we had to put another one on at the end of the month – and I think there might be a waiting list???
I am feeling very popular haha.

The ladies had a really nice day and I’ve heard some lovely feedback so thats really encouraging!
The soap unmoulded well and I should be able to deliver most of it tomorrow.
(Although there is still the agony of the 4 week curing wait before use)(They all get their full batch of soap that they made which is more soaps than what I have arranged in the photos)

This is Maidie’s soap. Blueberry with a sweet drop swirl and white sprinkles on top!

Debbie chose coconut and lime and we made a mix with the fresh green in some really pretty moulds

Karen settled on the Belgium Chocolate fragrance and made a whole heap of completely edible looking soaps!


Kaye selected one of my favourite fragrances – Anjou Pear and Lemon Zest!
She’s mixed a burgundy mica back into the base mix to pour and its turned out super pretty!

A new friend of mine, Kasia, (Met at the avocado carving workshop) joined in my workshop and got extra creative with her soaps

She dusted her moulds with gold mica first, and then lined the flower moulds with some mermaid blue. The result was a gorgeous old world effect.
The speckles in the base mix is from the madder root powder and she’s also put in some oatmeal as a scrub!

As for me… I did my usual show off demo at the end. Kasia has made a video and when thats done I hope to upload it to my FB page so you can take a peek at the process!!

I was actually quite thrilled with this one!
This is a colour combination to repeat!
I used lemongrass for the fragrance as I know it behaves.

Since the community centre doesn’t charge a hire fee for me to do these classes, I’ve decided that I’ll donate the demo soaps when they are cured to them.
Last months batch is nearly sold out which is awesome. So they can raise $80 from the batch and that money can go back into the centre for things they need.
They do a great job doing community based ‘stuff’ everything from gardening to a large variety of workshops.

I’ll be honest… it might break my heart to part with this one !!!
(I must make another one soon while I remember exactly what I did!!)
(Shall we call it ‘Phoenix Rising’ ?? Jeff seemed to think it reminded him of turkey feathers but that name doesn’t have the same grand ring to it!!!)

Hope your week has been fabulous

Author: Lisa

A happy traveller through life! Right now living in NW Tasmania with a gorgeous Nurse-Husband, a fool of a Siamese Cat and several chickens. We love our fairly simple lifestyle of growing a lot of what we eat and enjoying the stunning surrounds of our little patch.

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