Ruby Tuesday. Cows, Cream & Sponge Cake

Ruby’s current ‘cow’

I really enjoy sitting down with Ruby & a cuppa and listening to stories of years gone by. Funny, happy, & sad tales and very different to the lives we live now.

I dropped in this afternoon (bang on afternoon tea time when the sponge cake was ready for eating!! – more on that later) and asked about her cow.

Ruby and her first husband Bill bought the 2 acre property that had a small dwelling and built up the house that is there now. When they showed it to her Dad, he was very keen that they should run a cow. Ruby and Bill didn’t have the money to buy a cow as they had spent all their money acquiring the land.

So her Dad gave them a cow – a big Durham.  It was really too big for what they needed and the property size, so one of the neighbours swapped her for a nice little jersey heifer.

Clearly not Ruby’s cow. This is one of our neighbours that is helping illustrate the story, even tho its not a milking cow, let alone a jersey!!

It was 2 years before she was able to be milked. Ruby said she did the milking as the jersey was small, and Bills hands were too big to effectively milk her so that was Ruby’s job.

They had a separator and a butter churn. The milkman came by about three times a week and collected the cream – and the cream cheque was enough to cover the grocery bill!! Ruby said she made butter about once a week from the cream or when necessary.

This is my butter – just to illustrate the story. 🙂

The best story that was related to the cow, was when Ruby was pregnant with her daughter, Margaret. She was having contractions and reckoned she was at about the second stage, so she thought she had time to milk the cow before trotting off to the hospital. She made Bill bring in the cow… but ended up pushing him out of the way as he wasn’t doing it right and speed-milked the cow! She told me “I don’t know how well she got milked that night, but she got milked!!”

Contractions getting stronger, so off they go to WALK to the hospital!!! This is at about 5pm. Spied by a neighbour they were asked if they were out for their evening stroll.  Bill was a bit agitated by this time “No!!” he says they were “off to the hospital to have the baby, so bring the car around quick!!” Ruby on the other hand was quite determined not to make a fuss and walk. She lost that argument and was put in the car.

By 8pm she had a baby girl!!

Can you imagine?? Milking the cow at 5pm and walking off to the hospital to have a baby by 8!

Things are a little different today.

Ruby’s Recipes.

The best recipe book

Each week I will try to share a gem from this brilliant tatty old diary-recipe book!


So I stroll in as the kettle is boiling and the first sponge cake is ready for testing!

My timing was impeccable!

In her heyday, Ruby would make a lot of these whenever the church had a fete.

This is the current recipe she is using.


3 eggs (room temperature)

1 small cup sugar

2 tablespoons cold water

Vanilla essence

3/4 cup of self raising flour

1/4 cup cornflour

tiny pinch salt

It was my job to slice this in two! Was a bit nervous!! Margie adds the cream!


Separate the eggs & beat the whites until fluffy in bowl

Gradually add sugar and beat again until sugar is melted

Add yolks and beat again with the cold water and vanilla essence

Fold in dry ingredients

Place in two (pre prepared) greased & floured round tins, 7″ diameter or equiv.

Cook at 400F (200C) approx. 20 minutes.

Ready to test

Today Ruby and Margie experimented with coffee, which was added to the water. It made a lovely cake, but plan to make it more ‘coffee flavoured’ next time rather than todays ‘Hint of Coffee’ (todays had a teaspoon of instant)

Distressingly easy to eat a lot of this! 🙂

Hope you have enjoyed a little glimpse into Ruby’s past.


PS Don’t forget there is still time to “Guess the weight of the zucchini” in yesterdays Sloth Post. I am enjoying the messages and guesses so far! 🙂



Author: Lisa

A happy traveller through life! Right now living in NW Tasmania with a gorgeous Nurse-Husband, a fool of a Siamese Cat and several chickens. We love our fairly simple lifestyle of growing a lot of what we eat and enjoying the stunning surrounds of our little patch.

17 thoughts on “Ruby Tuesday. Cows, Cream & Sponge Cake”

  1. Ruby Tuesdays are my favorite, what an amazing generation! It is good for us to hear about how different things were and how strong and resilient the people were (and are!). Thank you for taking the time to share Lisa!

    1. You’re welcome. This is a good way to get some of Ruby’s stories written. A lot of individual histories get lost. I am so glad other people are enjoying it too.

  2. I am blessed with a sweet lady in my life who is very much like Ruby. My friend’s name is Mary, she is soon to turn 98 and still lives by herself, plants a garden and cares for it alone (will never accept help). Mary bakes sourdough bread for herself weekly, knits profusely and does lots of mending for family members. I share your Aunt Ruby stories with her when I visit. Thank you for sharing.

    1. How wonderful Linda! Your Mary sounds like my Ruby!! I find these ladies so inspiring (and rather independent which is probably what has kept them going so long!)

  3. Thank you Lisa for sharing more of Ruby! So inspirational!! I love her strength and independence!! And, I totally agree Lisa, I do believe it’s what’s kept them going so strong for so long.

    1. I tease Ruby about being stubborn and pig-headed! She just laughs at me! I am enjoying writing snippets of stories about Ruby!
      I had a peek at Auburn and it looks like a lovely area. Your farmers market looks really great! Do you go along to it when its running?

      1. Oh Lisa!! I’m sorry to say, I’ve NEVER been!! Every year I think I’ll make it, but never do. We have several very local (on the way home from work) farm stands and markets. So, what I don’t grow I usually get there. But, maybe this year! ? I was born and raised in Chicopee, MA, just in case you want to look at another place! ☺️

        1. Its so often the way isn’t it that tourists will see more of your area than you do!! But its great that there are lots of other local produce stands to take advantage of! I will have another stroll through the maps tonight too! 🙂

  4. did Miss Ruby crochet that tablecloth? from what I can see it’s lovely….if she did tell her she did well. I’ve yet to do a tablecloth. just doilies…seems no one wants them here in the States

    1. I am not sure she did – I’ll have to ask her. She has done a lot of rugs and clothes – I know that! 🙂 I love the lace tablecloths!

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