
Yesterday I did not get my sunny day… in fact it was quite soggy! So I did house work for most of the day and didn’t blog about it!

Wet & Gloomy


Today was much improved.
First up I finally caved – the pitter-patter of little feet got all to much so I called an exterminator.
Its a hard house to bait – lack of places to get into ceilings/walls etc, but its all done.
Cue the die off and the big stink. Sigh. At least at this time of year we don’t get many visitors!

To stave off the depression of being forced into spending money on a very uninteresting thing (even though necessary) I got into the hothouse to spread some mushroom compost love about!

The wheel barrow doesn’t fit in the hothouse door, so using a bucket is way quicker than shovelling it in there scoop by scoop

I moved the rebar and will grow my cucumbers on the left (Perhaps only two this season… three was a bit excessive last time!) and I should comfortably fit three tomato plants on the right side.
I went into town but sadly found no seedlings. I need to go to the bigger nursery (tomorrow??)

I am pleased with how my passionfruit is going! I would be so rapt to get some fruit! I got some of those bricks that are still sitting in the carport to make a little border. There was a bit of a slope that the water & dirt was running off on, so now its all built up with a nice dollop of compost.

I could have potted up some more seeds, but I ended up doing some pruning and random weeding

The salvia needed taming

All the sticks are in the BBQ area and once dry I will mulch them down.

The Pelargonium’s were getting leggy so they got a haircut too

Now my iris have a good chance to flourish!

The front path is all weedy too… but I only got partway through that before it was getting too cold.
The great thing about this yard when you have the attention span of a goldfish, is that you can just wander about and do parts of heaps of jobs – just whatever takes your fancy! Jeff is better at keeping me on task if we do work together (something about liking to finish one job before starting another lol!)

Anyway, it was really great to be outside doing lots of somethings!
Hope your day was great too!

One day left of winter! Yay!

Author: Lisa

A happy traveller through life! Right now living in NW Tasmania with a gorgeous Nurse-Husband, a fool of a Siamese Cat and several chickens. We love our fairly simple lifestyle of growing a lot of what we eat and enjoying the stunning surrounds of our little patch.

2 thoughts on “Pottering”

  1. You are so lucky that Spring is on its way to your house! Up here in Washington State we are winding down from a beautiful, sunny summer. Your Passionfruit vine looks quite happy!

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