Mostly Lazy Sunday

I had a lovely sleep in. Didn’t do so much today (not counting the 2 hour hike and the few barrow loads of wood I brought up to the back veranda)

The day was totally sunny until I got dressed to do a walk! Then it went dark and poured!
So I said I didn’t care, packed my raincoat and went anyway

By the time I met Fiona at the top of the Sisters Beach turnoff we had blue skies again!

So glad we got out! I hadn’t done a walk since the snow day and I was feeling it today walking up those hills!

Lots of rain recently so lots of new sand patterns

It was great to get out and let my brain wander along planning my spring garden. I run a small facebook page for beginner gardeners and I was thinking of the things I want to start sharing now that we are stampeding up to spring. (Its more to get people over the fear of starting a garden and knowing where to begin and a place they can ask any questions without feeling silly.) I just think the more people able to grow a few things for themselves the better!

This photo doesn’t show it, but by the time we had almost gotten around our course, the weather was about to finally catch up to us… in the end we only got a few sprinkles of rain – but it did cool down considerably!

Was nice to be home and snugged up by the fire, working on my crochet and watching bad movies with Jeff!! (Seriously – I am choosing tomorrow nights entertainment!!)


Protea bud

Author: Lisa

A happy traveller through life! Right now living in NW Tasmania with a gorgeous Nurse-Husband, a fool of a Siamese Cat and several chickens. We love our fairly simple lifestyle of growing a lot of what we eat and enjoying the stunning surrounds of our little patch.

2 thoughts on “Mostly Lazy Sunday”

  1. Hi,

    Im just as excited as you to start my spring gardening. Will be my second year trying to grow veg, still pretty new to it. Is anyone free to join your facebook page? And if they are, what do I search for? Who couldn’t use more tips….
    Must say all your awesome photos make me wana immigrate there or go for a visit at least….

    1. Hi! Yes – seems I am getting people from all over joining in the facebook page. I thought I would get about half a dozen Aussies. lol
      Its not super comprehensive, but as an ‘encourager’ for people starting out or new to gardening. The page is called ‘Grow your own food – starting from the beginning’ Search that and see if it comes up for you. – thats the link but not sure if it will add properly in the comments.
      Glad you are enjoying the photos of Tasmania. Its a beautiful little island!

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