Lots of Jam

Hi there!
My poor gardens are so unruly!
They have gotten such a good lot of rain over the last couple of days!

Even though these patches are doing well, I was hoping to have lots of lettuce available for when our guests arrive!

Hungry caterpillar making itself at home in my tomato!! Happily this season, we haven’t really had any grub issues with the tomatoes which is excellent. This is the only one so far that I have seen. So the chooks got a bit of a tomato/grub feast!

This afternoon late, the rain cleared up so I took a basket around and collected tomatoes.

And some corn for dinner!

The majority of the day was spent in the kitchen. I had to make a start on clearing space in the freezer. So I had taken out a bucket of plum pulp and a bag of raspberries.
I made a heap of raspberry/plum jam. Its a nice mixture. I found a stash of all these really big jars so I used those, which made for much less work.
I also finished off the ice cream – also plum/raspberry flavoured. Thats one I haven’t tried before so hoping its ok.

I have a small amount of the plum pulp left but I ran out of care-factor to do another batch of jam. Maybe tomorrow??

Screecher, now in her dotage, lays very odd shaped thin shelled eggs. They have a tendency to go off a lot more quickly and the white is not clear. I figured best not to eat those ourselves. So I scrambled all her eggs today and fed it back to the chickens. Wow… I know it sounds weird, but did they ever scoff that down! I should have included the shells too. I often include the shells when making them a cake!

My second planting of sunflowers have just started to bloom!  Rather pleased I have the timing right on that at least. Just in time for guests.
Also, not so brilliantly timed for guests, a rat has had the audacity to die in the walls in the kitchen!!! I am burning a LOT of incense!!! Eye roll. Sometimes country living is a bit whiffy! haha

Hope your weekends are going fantastically!

Author: Lisa

A happy traveller through life! Right now living in NW Tasmania with a gorgeous Nurse-Husband, a fool of a Siamese Cat and several chickens. We love our fairly simple lifestyle of growing a lot of what we eat and enjoying the stunning surrounds of our little patch.

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