Hiking Again

I’ve been a bit better making an effort to get out and hike more regularly.
We went back up the Blanfordia Hill loop in the Rocky Cape NP yesterday, but these photos were from the walk before

Yesterday I tried to keep camera in bag and just concentrate on doing a brisk walk.

There are lots of sweet little wildflowers on the track now too

Yesterday I managed the track and all the ups pretty well overall… I can feel an improvement

Although right now I am baking choc chip bikkies which might be slightly counter productive haha

Jeff is still hauling about a big heavy pack.
At least that helps me keep up a bit

I’ll probably have to start doing the same if I think I’ll be doing some overnight treks soon

The days are definitely improving warmth wise and the longer daylight is so nice!

Michelle from Farm It Forward Tasmania has asked if I’d start doing the guided walks again and I think its a good idea.

I’ll just do it as a ‘Pop Up Event’ so when I have time and the weather and tides match.

We’ve also been getting into more work in the yard.
BBQ area AGAIN cleared out and two trips to the tip.
Jeff tackled a bit of the shed too.

I don’t get tired of the views…

It still gets quite windy up the top.

Ahhhh, Blanfordia Hill… the hill that goes up five times! Always thinking you are done… but you are not!

Jeff just washed the car
I am doing the last batch of bikkies, then I can go out and we can finish off the BBQ area and I plan to plant a few more things

Yesterday we saw three wedge tailed eagles!!
Just soaring about on the thermals enjoying themselves. By the time I tried to access my camera they were far away

Still looks like a long way to go hey?

We remembered to time this hike yesterday and it took us two hours and twenty minutes

Jeff said its about a 7km hike. Doesn’t sound like much but thats not taking into account all the ups and downs!
(OK… elevation)

Sweet little natural moss garden

I tasted a biscuit (cookie)
Now to try not to guts them.

Okies, thats all from me
Hope your week is going splendidly!

Author: Lisa

A happy traveller through life! Right now living in NW Tasmania with a gorgeous Nurse-Husband, a fool of a Siamese Cat and several chickens. We love our fairly simple lifestyle of growing a lot of what we eat and enjoying the stunning surrounds of our little patch.

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