Gardening at Ruby’s

Hobbit Feet.

Black dirt and its a dead giveaway that I was in Ruby’s garden today. Her paddock needed a mow – Jeff, the silly sausage, did it all with the hand mower as the ride on is still not working!

I forgot the ‘after’ photo, but it looks lovely and neat now.

Ruby proudly dragged me all about the garden to show me what she has been up to

Completely weeded her rose garden!

I followed up her amazing weeding job by feeding the roses, mulching and watering for her.

Excellent teamwork!

Then to look at the bean patch where she had started pulling things up.

Hmmmmm – one section of rebar missing…

Honestly!! You can’t leave that woman alone for a second! She decided to move the rebar out of the garden BY HERSELF!! She didn’t volunteer the information – I asked because I noticed it gone and had a sneaking suspicion that she didn’t ask for help!! I am halfway horrified and halfway impressed – imagine watching an almost blind 100 year old tottering about the garden with one of those big sections of rebar!!!! Eeeep!

Stand there Ruby and look a bit guilty for me would you??? She did admit the job tuckered her out so she left the other two alone!!

I moved the others out of the way and weeded the rest of the plot.

I left Ruby to have a kip in the fresh air and got on with my weeding jobs

Snoozing on her deck chair!!
Poor potato patch. They got a bit neglected at the end of last year when they needed water but it was a tough family time so sometimes, things just have to be let go.
I cleared a lot of the patch and hopefully we will see a few more potatoes of better sizes coming out of the plot.
Small but will be lovely and tasty!
Ruby’s beautiful dahlias

Jeff finally finished. We were going to scoot off as it was quite late and make a cuppa date for another day… of course we got inside and the darling had all the cups out ready to go and bun cakes on the table!! How could we say no!!!???
We couldn’t!

Back home I had a bit of watering to get done… and enjoyed a browse around the garden and hothouse.

Super spot of colour

In the hothouse I am really thrilled with my chillies! Especially the ones I have grown from seed – they are now showing fruit! Looking forward to making new batches of sweet chilli sauce.

These go through several colour changes before settling on red!
From my own collected seed

I don’t even know the types I am growing!!! 🙂

Very excited to see the first of my heirloom capsicum growing!
This marvelous jungle of green is a mix of chilli, basil, rock melon and a rogue tomato or two!
None of the rock melon have formed beyond this as yet.
The cucumber are now winding their way up the sturdy stems of the sunflowers!!

We put the Hippy Kids on the bus this morning – they made it back to Canberra safe and sound. It sure is quiet around the house tonight!!


Author: Lisa

A happy traveller through life! Right now living in NW Tasmania with a gorgeous Nurse-Husband, a fool of a Siamese Cat and several chickens. We love our fairly simple lifestyle of growing a lot of what we eat and enjoying the stunning surrounds of our little patch.

2 thoughts on “Gardening at Ruby’s”

  1. The red slender pepper looks like a Serrano…quite caliente. The globe shaped one could be a cherry pepper, often seen in those decorative jars of veggies that have been marinated. Not sure if it’s mild or hot
    Your garden is coming along and looks super!

    1. Thanks Linda! All the chillies have a bite to them (I call them hot but my tolerance levels may be lower compared to some). Slowly collecting them to restock on our sweet chilli sauce. Another hot day today – the garden will love that!

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