Gardening At Ruby’s

Two days in a row – sunny skies!
It rained heavily all night and I was sure I was going to be sitting inside by the fire, crocheting & post processing photos!
Figured I would go get a new gardening view and catch up with Ruby…
I caught her at the clothesline!

Margaret & Ruby’s family from Western Australia made a surprise visit (Margie knew… Ruby didn’t!) which thrilled her!
Margaret’s washing machine had a slight breakdown so Ruby to the rescue and getting some of the laundry done while the other machine was being fixed!

I decided to tackle the side fence which was really worrying Ruby – the grassy weeds had gotten a bit too enthusiastic

Fast forward three and a half hours…

I don’t want to whinge too much but wow – am I ever sore tonight!! And my cuticles are ruined!!
Those grassy things hang on like you wouldn’t believe! I am not a lightweight, but I was at times putting all my weight behind those clumps and they wouldn’t shift!
Too hard to dig into because they are intertwined with the jasmine or whatever the climbing plant is… so it was lolling about in the mud (yes I got rained on for a while haha) trying to separate the bits and pull them out!!

Going to have to raid a few of these to make some more raspberry jam!

It was VERY nice to head inside and have a warming cup of coffee… a bit of cake and a catch up chat with Ruby and Margie!

Ruby still has some food in her garden… lovely big beetroot that she has either been roasting or pickling

Mini cabbages that look lovely and healthy

A few flowers around the yard give a nice splash of colour within the often grey days.

Hope everybodys week started fantastically!


Plopped herself down in the sunshine declaring after all the laundry that she had ‘given herself the biscuit’ (Translation = wore herself out!!)


Author: Lisa

A happy traveller through life! Right now living in NW Tasmania with a gorgeous Nurse-Husband, a fool of a Siamese Cat and several chickens. We love our fairly simple lifestyle of growing a lot of what we eat and enjoying the stunning surrounds of our little patch.

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