Fence Project

The weather is trying to impress us – its working!

Hello! Wow – Friday again. That came around quick!

We had an excellent day – the weather was showing off by not raining again, so we were outside pretty much for all of it.

After attending to seedings, watering etc, we thought we might as well try to do something with the umpteen free pallets we scored the other day

Some will be useful for making ‘stuff’ others will suffice as kindling.
But wait- there’s more! (and willow branches)

I have a fair few pallet projects pinned on Pinterest, none of which I have really gotten into as yet. But we really did need a new fence on the top side of the property

Mostly chicken-proof – but not pretty

All we have done to keep the chickens to their side of the yard, was unravel some chicken wire and bang in a few stakes.

Why not a pallet fence? What’s the worst that can happen?? Can’t look any more dodgy than what we have got.

The chooks were so happy we were digging in the dirt for them again!
Ta daa! First one (Sheesh – what a mess)

Because of the sloping nature of the area, we decided to just plant each pallet in level, but stepped down from the previous one. (Can you tell the expert builders in this area?? haha)

About halfway there

This corner was just getting worse as it got more and more neglected. It was our original compost that went slightly out of control. The stones we put in a pile next to it to ‘store’ but with the weather, a lot has been washed further from where they are meant to be, making mowing a bit tricky.

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Gloves, digging fork and a while later –

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A good start to clearing this area

There should be some good compost underneath. We will make new bays behind this fence to have a place to just throw weeds/garden clippings that is separate from my other composts

Things got really serious! Out with the power tools!

We had to leave a certain gap to fit a new gate – this pallet was about 20cm too wide!
Chook approval

By the end of the day we were pretty pleased with ourselves.

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Better than the other manky fence. Now I am trying to work out whether to paint it (which we should probably do to extend its lifespan a bit – they are only pallets afterall, can’t expect too much) and what colour, and perhaps plant something at the base, or even a hanging/wall garden…

I tell you, the nicest part of the whole day was plonking my backside down under the cherry blossom to just enjoy lying on the grass looking up at the sky and pink fluffy blossoms. I even got Jeff to join me for a few minutes of nature appreciation!

Time to face-plant my bed.

Have a super weekend everyone!



Author: Lisa

A happy traveller through life! Right now living in NW Tasmania with a gorgeous Nurse-Husband, a fool of a Siamese Cat and several chickens. We love our fairly simple lifestyle of growing a lot of what we eat and enjoying the stunning surrounds of our little patch.

8 thoughts on “Fence Project”

  1. Sweet pallet fence! It looks nice and straight (and that’s hard to do, LOL). My husband built our coop using pallets as the framework but it sure was difficult as they were not uniform. I look forward to seeing how you choose to finish it 🙂

    1. Thanks Amy – was quite the day! You have it right re difficulty because they are all different! Part of the fun I guess. Great idea making a coop out of them. I keep thinking I’d like to learn how to make strawbale structures and start with a chicken coop!!!

  2. I just love your plot if land & seeing how it develops! We’ve been thinking about doing a pallet fence too. I just might be a little bit braver by seeing this. I know i want to turn our old claw foot tub into a fun raised bed in our tiny city plot. Thank you for the inspirations!!

    1. Hi Stephanie! Glad you are enjoying our little journey. I am loving being able to be outside doing ‘stuff’ Pinterest has a lot of pallet fence ideas- ranging from easy to more complex. I think the main thing was we didn’t want to spend an eon pulling them apart… a lot don’t come quietly in that department. You are exhausted before you have even started to build anything cool.
      Go for it – as I said – whats the worst that can happen?? Hopefully you got your pallets free, so even if you muff something up, its not going to be money down the drain. Just a bit of time!
      I love the idea of the claw foot tub garden bed! That would look gorgeous. We have one in our bathroom that we rarely use and were thinking of removing it. However, the last few days we HAVE made use of it (soaking aching backs) and it was heaven! Might keep it a while yet!

  3. The fence looks great.painting it would probably extend its life.
    I’ve got loads of pallet projects on Pinterest and even suggested to my son that his new bed could be made out of pallets!?

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