Evil Bunny

And today in Tasmania’s North West, we are back to sunshine and blue skies!! I swear someone sits up there flicking the weather switch!!

I am rather gloomy tonight. The lovely corn patch above has been decimated by a hungry rabbit. The photo was taken a week or so ago and had progressed even better than that. I was so happy with it!!!
I saw the evil ravager on the front lawn. It also dug up and ate my newly transplanted beetroot and a few lettuce seedlings for good measure.
I hope it gets a tummy-ache!!
I will dig up entire plot and resow. Not much is salvageable and I want them all to grow at the same rate.

In a small twist of irony, we started working on the last side of the fence.

This has suddenly become rather pressing and urgent!!
(Apart from the fact I am booked to fly out to the mainland to do some photography for a friend on Sunday  haha – nothing like squeezing in an extra job before our next visitor)

So I have a lot to sort out in the next 48 hours!

The butternut pumpkins have taken their sweet time to start producing new leaves after being transplanted. There is hope (And I am keeping them covered at night and will probably put a net over them eventually since they are in the duck yard garden.)

In much more cheerful news, the early purple garlic is starting to die off. So I had a little fossick about  in the dirt under the mulch to see if there were good sized bulbs.

I am a bit chuffed with these!! Looking really fab! I reckon by the time I get back home they might be ready for harvesting!!!

The white garlic are also going well but will need a bit of extra time to form up. They really haven’t started to die back yet.

Plums anyone?

Anyway, I need to go write a list of ‘things to achieve before Sunday morning’ (And before anyone thinks I am rather unorganised (ok, generally yes I am) but I only found out today that this was a thing.)
But thats my friend Rachel – we can be a little spontaneous!! At least next week that will make for a rather different blog story!!

Have a great day everyone! (Hope its naughty-rabbit-free)
I am off to dream about stewed corn-fed rabbit….


Author: Lisa

A happy traveller through life! Right now living in NW Tasmania with a gorgeous Nurse-Husband, a fool of a Siamese Cat and several chickens. We love our fairly simple lifestyle of growing a lot of what we eat and enjoying the stunning surrounds of our little patch.

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