Digging Holes

First of all I would like to say to those of you in the path of a hurricane this weekend – stay safe and I hope the wild weather passes you by with no damage! I know my friends have been battening down the hatches!

Yesterday was a stunningly beautiful day – and I spent it travelling with Fiona up to Launceston! haha -typical! (But it was fun)
However – in some exciting news I bought some jeans… you know… my once every two years shopping spree. I just figured I couldn’t go to Japan wearing jeans with holes in the seat! (I would have bought two pairs but annoyingly the whole shop had only ONE pair of size 16’s in the straight leg style. (I am not a fan of ‘skinny’ leg) so if I want a backup pair I have to go shopping again! blah!)

Anyway, on to funner things.
Beans. Despite Jeff not being available to help (he has taken an extra nightshift) I thought I would put up my new bean trellis thingy.

Moving the pile of weeds… apparently its just a hop, skip & a jump from wheelbarrow to being with me in the garden! Bad Chook!

This one was either too fat or too daft to work out how to follow suit! But she did enjoy scratching for errant worms in the barrow!

The post hole digger is not my friend. I don’t use it that often and I forget how my back reacts to using it. (Meaning right now I am a little tender and moving rather carefully!)

Not wanting to go to any costs, I knew there were a few posts in the car port and some chicken wire kicking about the place. Just a simple structure so the beans have something to run up.

Before putting the wire on, I dug up the plot to try to remove a good portion of the twitch.

Its a little wonky – Pulled it over a bit as I was attaching the wire. Hard to manage with only one set of hands

I have left a good bit of a gap between the ground and the chicken wire so I can weed under it more easily and also so the wire doesn’t rust sitting in the wet ground

Beans ready to go!

A row down each side. Now its up to them!

I had Pip outside for a while today too… we both got rained on at times!

I think the ‘lean’ means he is ready to go back inside!

With a glance back to make sure the scary chicken is not following

The rocket and lettuce are going along happily. I think I am pretty much over waiting for the ‘right time’ to plant a ton more seeds.

A brief burst of afternoon sun!

I am loving seeing the cherry plum trees with so many lovely blossoms. I will be needing to stock up on plum jam in the near future!

Pleased to see my first lot of little snow peas taking shape

And the rhubarb is starting to uncrinkle some new leaves!

Hope everyone has a great weekend planned!

Author: Lisa

A happy traveller through life! Right now living in NW Tasmania with a gorgeous Nurse-Husband, a fool of a Siamese Cat and several chickens. We love our fairly simple lifestyle of growing a lot of what we eat and enjoying the stunning surrounds of our little patch.

6 thoughts on “Digging Holes”

  1. Beautiful pics and I, too, don’t like skinny legged pants. I think the people that look best in those are children.

  2. Hope all your friends in Texas stay safe also…..saying a prayer for the state of Texas. When you mentioned skinny jeans I couldn’t help but vision a bunch of cowboys herding cattle and trying to throw bales wearing them.
    What a site that would be..lol. Have a great weekend, grow beans grow.

    1. Thanks Shirley – as far as I have heard they are all safe thank goodness!
      lol on the cowboys in skinny jeans!!! 😀

  3. Where I’m located the hurricane didn’t affect us. Clouds mostly. The temperature wasn’t as high yesterday but we’re back in the low 100’s F. We did have plans on going to Rockport, but that may not happen. That’s where the hurricane came ashore

    1. Hi Linda – I was wondering where you were and if you were in the middle of it! Glad you avoided the wildest spots!

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