Day Out

Unrelated, but I think this year is the year to treat Lisa to a new computer.
This one is so slow its almost making me cry tonight!
You know… all you want to do is write an email, respond to a couple of facebook messages, post process a few photos to blog, and 30 minutes of work (if that) takes 2 hours.
Its an old computer and its chock full of photos so its really no wonder its choking on simple tasks.
But when I am busy and trying to fit in so much its insanely frustrating just sitting here while the system thinks for five minutes about every single task you ask it to do!!
Will have to look at the budget I think.

Aaaanyway, enough whinging about my First World Problem.
Had a lovely day out with Moe and Ryo

Just a few photos I managed to post process before being in danger of throwing the hard drive into the paddock!! ๐Ÿ˜€

We visited Dip Falls and the Big Tree

We went up to Stanley and climbed The Nut
This photo will give you an idea of the wind today! haha – at least no rain!

We finished the days sightseeing down at Black River Beach… mega windy there too but really beautiful and wild looking today.
Will work on photos (you know – adding them to the insane backlog I now possess) another time.

I am giving up and heading to bed – more beach trips tomorrow!


Author: Lisa

A happy traveller through life! Right now living in NW Tasmania with a gorgeous Nurse-Husband, a fool of a Siamese Cat and several chickens. We love our fairly simple lifestyle of growing a lot of what we eat and enjoying the stunning surrounds of our little patch.

4 thoughts on “Day Out”

  1. That tree is amazing! Wow. What kind of tree is it? Love your photography! Do you change the settings on your camera for each shot? Thanks for sharing.

    1. Hi Teri, its a beauty isn’t it? Its a browntop stringybark (Eucalyptus)
      Thank-you re photography – depending on the time I have I do muck about a little with the settings. Sometimes its easier to let the camera decide. Sometimes its nice to adjust the aperture to get more in focus. Other times I take three shots in quick succession at different exposures then merge them to pick up more details in the shadows/light.
      Mostly then its about post processing! ๐Ÿ™‚ Its great when I have the time and the computer is not having a hissy fit!!
      lol – off to find my friends a few more beaches before it rains!!!

      1. Thanks for your reply. I just let my camera decide but after seeing so many of your gorgeous photos I think you’ve inspired me to try my hand at manually adjusting the settings.
        Have a wonderful visit with your friends and of course I wish you a fun and beautiful trek. Take Care!

        1. Thanks Teri! Remind me when I return off the mountain to send you some links to fusion (HDR post processing) and some other useful settings I use on my camera that may come in handy! ๐Ÿ™‚

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