Chook Poo

OK – just kidding. I am not going to write a whole post about chook poo! ๐Ÿ™‚


The poor chickens. Their coop was a bit horrible. We had trouble finding hay recently- of all things in the country to have difficulty finding mind you!! Bad weather, bad timing etc. Finally picked up a couple of bags of chopped hay off my favourite vendor down at the local markets. Lucky I went early as he said there is no more for a long while!!

A few wheelbarrow loads off to the compost! We put this lot in the established compost – more room.

We threw some lime about – helps with mites and lice (And apparently odours) then made the whole coop lovely and fluffy with new hay.

Of course – five minutes later of unsupervised chickens had them kicking it out the door already!!

They will have some fun creating new nests

Once the weather changes back to not horrible I am going to whitewash the whole coop!!! I will feel like I am living in an Enid Blyton book!!

The weather was pretty nice for most of the day – that is, we had gorgeous sunshine until the washing went out and we started in the garden! ๐Ÿ˜€

Some of the canes were a bit wonky…

So, we got to and dug a couple of small rows for the raspberries – extending the existing ones.

The chickens were most helpful (not)


Every time I dug a hole, someone got in it, in a frantic worm-search and another would kick all my dirt all over the place!!


Despite all the feathery ‘help’ we got the canes in. Hoping they are happy about their small move and produce some fruit this upcoming season.


There was still enough daylight left to get back into the duck-yard and try to finish up the weeding we started last week


The chickens weren’t our only company – I looked up to suddenly see this lot staring at me!!

So funny to be in your little weeding world and look up into the faces of a couple of calves!!

Right on dusk, Cousin Jeff pulled up at the gate with a load of firewood!!!

We had seen his wife at the local school market that we went to this morning and asked if she could ask Jeff if he has some more dry wood – the last lot is still a bit heavy, so we need to mix it in with drier wood and we were running short of the older stuff.

I didn’t say it was THAT much of an emergency!! ๐Ÿ˜€


Lucky us – Spiderman delivers our wood!! (Not that you can really see Jeff’s son’s costume, but trust me… its cool!)

So – I know what I will be doing with the non-rainy days this week!!

Going to have to get this stacked ASAP before it gets totally rained on

Night had pretty much fallen by the time Jeff had unloaded the wood. I did take the time to go back to my ‘garden’ to admire it. Or stand there and imagine what will be next season!!!


Hope everyone has had a lovely start to their weekends!


The fact that Tasmanian weather can never make up its mind, means we get a lot of rainbows!

Author: Lisa

A happy traveller through life! Right now living in NW Tasmania with a gorgeous Nurse-Husband, a fool of a Siamese Cat and several chickens. We love our fairly simple lifestyle of growing a lot of what we eat and enjoying the stunning surrounds of our little patch.

4 thoughts on “Chook Poo”

    1. lol – I hadn’t thought of it that way. It was nice to finish up with a rainbow!
      I’ll keep an eye out for when things brighten up ready for your post!
      We may even have a little more sunshine today!! ๐Ÿ™‚

  1. Those cows kill me. I am already dreaming of the day that I get to have my own little flock of chooks running around – and I am totally calling them that to confuse my friends and family! ;D

    Really looking forward to seeing what your garden will produce when we are in the throes of winter.

    1. “Chook” is a great word. So much easier than the cumbersome name ‘chickens’
      You will love it when you get your own! They are fantastically funny

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