A Little More Progress!

Well, I am fairly excited because we got most of the tin on this afternoon.
We were both a bit busy earlier on but in the afternoon the rain held off mostly long enough to get out and get the tin up

Already walking in you notice a big shelter and temperature difference!

The chooks seemed happy milling about in there too pretty much straight away

We (I say ‘we’ but it was Jeff putting in all the effort with the drill today) didn’t get the last two pieces on… the back one that you see in the above photo- ‘we’ needed to cut a chook sized access hole in the tin so they will be able to pop into the ‘duck yard’ via the short cut. (I fully intend to make a 70’s style beaded curtain for their door by the way…)

And the small plate for the front of the coop also needed to be cut to size. (The tin guy cut it wrong to what size I asked for, but what I asked for was also WAY wrong so Jeff had to sort that out too. Oopsie)

Really looks the part now hey?

By the time the work on the last panels were done, it was getting quite dark and also raining heavily, so they will have to just wait a few days now (Jeff has some upcoming nightshifts)

That sheltered area had remained fairly dry in the recent continual rain which is fabulous. Its going to make SUCH a difference this winter!

OK… some soap…

The cut for the Oatmeal, Milk and Honey Fragrance… I put a scrub in the bottom layer too!

And the Crisp Green Apple… for a straight colour not too agonisingly boring so thats good!

Face Washers and Face Scrubbies! Planning on tying the sets up (One face washer and 4 scrubbies) together with jute and a little bauble that you can’t really see in my dodgy photo
However… am thrilled with the look of using my (ahem) bread basket to display them.

The beginnings of a new basket. (Because I don’t think I have enough projects in progress…)

I will leave you with an image of what happens to cats when the fire gets to roaringly hot!
Have a great day everyone!

Winter Approaches

The weather was filthy today!! I had to drive over to Devonport and it was the kind of rain that you can’t see through even with the windscreen wipers on full tilt!

Yesterday was fairly blah (weather wise)… went out to a rally with my cousin, Fiona. Decent turn out despite the wind and rain!

(Thanks Fiona for the photos… I didn’t take my camera)

The rally was a meeting with a lot of interesting speakers in regards to the proposed offshore salmon farms they want to put in here.

Not content with the hideous environmental disaster they’ve caused in other parts of the state… sights are set on the north west coast. (Shudder)

I didn’t know they set off continual underwater explosions to frighten off the seals (and in lots of cases kill or maim the poor things)
(Talking about 80,000 explosions a year!!)
The 20 pens down near Bruny Island make millions $$ per year – and they lease the waters for less than what you can rent a 3 bedroom house for in Burnie for 12 months … AND the daily amount of effluent dumped into the ocean is staggering – equiv. to the population of both Burnie and Devonport sewage waste going into the ocean per day. Boggles my mind.
The Bass Strait is like a whacking big bathtub so what gets dumped in these waters doesn’t have a chance to disperse either.
People’s whose jobs and livelihoods that rely on the ocean are going to be under threat and the rubbish that comes off these farms is quite something.
The seal sculpture below is made up entirely of collected debri from the farms that are found in the water and washed up on the beaches.
Apparently there have been a number of boating accidents when powerboats hit the floating chunks of rope…

All in all there isn’t much good that can come of it but you know how it goes. Someone is making money somewhere. The current business who is slated to do this was bought by some pretty dodgy operators from Brazil.
Sigh… its astounding that you have to fight to stop something like this that should be a no brainer at all.
Political parties at the top are shouting ‘But jobs jobs’ – Not that many and they’re not counting the future jobs lost.
Our coast is stunning. The marine life is amazing. You’ve seen my photos.
You know how gorgeous and precious it is.
Lets hope we can keep it that way!! (There’s something like seven months before ‘D Day’)

I’ve fished out my facewasher and face scrubbies crochet projects and getting them together and sorted for next weekends market. (Uniting Church Fete… Usually a good day they put on!)(looking forward to those scones already!)

Another project I’ve been doing in the background the past few months is a baby blanket – My Japanese friends daughter (who I’ve known since she was a baby) has just had a baby!! (Eeep I feel old haha)
Its a new pattern I learned (thankyou youtube). Its a pretty pattern but it stretched the yarn weird so it doesn’t fold square – which is bugging me!! Its like it turned into a parallelogram or something. I’ve counted all the rows and stitches and they all seem correct!!
So I went and did a tutorial on how to do a bear for the corner of the blanket hoping it takes everyones mind off the skew-wiff nature of the not-square-blanket!

I just have to stitch him on and I’m done!

And this afternoon I put together a couple of batches of soap…

Oatmeal, milk and honey. The bubble wrap should give the top that honeycomb like texture.

And ‘crisp green apple’
This fragrance accelerates the mixture in a crazy way – gets thick very quickly.
So… I decided not to try any tricky colour swirls. And I mixed everything in well before I added the fragrance as a last thing.
It still got chunky quickly but was able to mostly get it in the mould before I had to get the spoon out!!
It looked a little plain so I did a last minute poppy seed sprinkle which looks rather nice!

Okies… back to my fire!
Hope everyone had a fabulous weekend!

Soap and Baskets

Having finished my big basket, I made this little one!
Tighter weave using the needle and it turned out rather nicely!

It was nice finishing something in a shorter time frame

I am pleased with the middle where I started… usually that part is super messy

Not sure what I will use it for. At the moment just admiring it haha

Last class, Adele brought in willow and dodda vine – I brought in some of my vine which is a native black pea
Made up a nice scruffy basket

The fresh colours are very cool

I’ll probably use this one either on the market table filled with soap or at a local shop that wants my unscented goats milk soap as a way of making a unique display …

Speaking of soap…

Sandalwood and Vanilla… gold veins and activated charcoal.

Had another go at the milkshake/sundae like soaps

Learning from last time that the Orange and Bitter Chocolate fragrance discolours the mixture, I left it out of the top bit so it looks more like cream this time!

The fragrance also makes the mixture thicken heavily so not much time to do any precise swirling as I was literally spooning it in to the mould not pouring!!

And because the top wasn’t so set, I was able to doink the sugar sprinkles into the mixture further so hopefully not as many fall off this time

Smells so yummy too!!

Sprucing up the place with some flowers in my sisters oh so cute kitty vases!

Cold and gloomy here… I am going to not fight it any longer. Putting the fire on and either doing some crochet or making some soap… hmmm choices choices!!
Hope your week is going along splendidly!

Chook Run Update

Well… the building inspector was on the job – so we took advantage of a gorgeous sunny day among the miserable ones and got back to our chook run

We decided that some extra bracing in here so the shade cloth had more support wasn’t a bad thing

We pre cut the shade cloth for the remaining panels (like my ruler?)

But the main aim of the day was the roof
We had just enough of the long beams to put up over the entire structure

Jeff hard at work (I was the official ladder relocating person)

We were a bit unsure about how to do this! All a bit awkward. Luckily Jeff has a long reach so he could get up on the extension ladder and reach across to screw in the panels.

We got more efficient as we sorted out what we were doing.
We started then decided the slope on the roof wasn’t enough so we unscrewed the top side and added another layer of timber – we hoped rain wouldn’t end up pooling on top.

It has since rained and the water slid off exactly as we wanted it too and no runback leaking out where the overlap is… so… yay!

While I was up the ladder at one point, I had some cherry plum branches poking into my ear and it occurred to me that we might want to do a bit of lopping. While branches were unlikely to fall on the new roof… I’d seen possums doing death defying leaps to and from them to the old roof…
Last thing our roof needs is a fat possum dive bombing the top! (We are going to also add some more bracing for the roof so the polycarb sheets have some more rigidity)

Extend extension ladder a lot and up I go

That went well. I didn’t fall down (yay) and didn’t drop any branches on Jeff’s head (double yay)

Weather turned ugly again but today had a short window of nice (Bit windy but manageable)
So we grabbed the pre cut shade cloth and got that part of the job done and now its really looking like something!

We have plans to tidy up the edges with the tin, flashing and timber facing at the top.

We’ll have to do a bit of mucking about on this side to cut those beams back flush – we didn’t think it would matter but now with what we want to do… it will! Ahhh well.

I am not too worried about the extra roof overhang… if the water is coming off further from the structure, I am happy with that

Can’t wait to get the new tin!
Jeff wanted to replace this clear polycarbonate on the coop but… seems it washes of well so I’ll add that to my ‘to do’ list

The coop itself will clean up nicely too by the look of it (adds to list) so probably no need for a repaint here

All in all we are pretty chuffed with progress… the end is in sight and we aren’t even officially in winter yet!
Its already making a difference in the run area – of course not much rain is getting in there now so the girls feed is not filling with water and the ground isn’t mucky like usual at this time of year!

Time to relax? In the evenings anyway!

(Seriously… I don’t think Pip could look happier and more relaxed if he tried!!)

Little by Little

The days remain grey and mostly raining off and on. So outside progress is slow. Plus its a bit unmotivating!!
Lets soap update first!

The butterfly ones ended up turning out rather cute!

I finally got to cutting the slab mould soaps too

I made a loaf with activated charcoal yesterday – with luck the cut will reveal veins of gold. (Fingers crossed)

My friend Nardia (the lady who I have done a bit of hiking with) owns a local shop. She’s asked if I can do just plain goats milk soaps as she’s had requests. So I started on making a supply. Easy to make a double batch of the unscented and uncoloured soap – not sure how much I’d need in reserve but we’ll work that out as we go along

So… back to the chook run!
I was excited that we snagged a bit of non raining day to put up some shade cloth!

I’d been itching to do this bit!

We just popped one of the old bits of tin up against it to get an idea of looks

Jeff reckons that with all the effort we should get new tin and I agree.
It would probably be cheaper too than painting the old stuff – can always find another use for the old stuff

I miscalculated the size of the roll so we’ll need to grab another roll of shadecloth

I think we’ve worked out how we are going to go about the roof – just need a nice day to get in and get on with it.

Update… I’ve found where we got the tin from for the garden fence and they can cut to size too ($1 extra per sheet! Sold!)
Just have to go and get some precise measurements and email it through… then we can go and collect.
Things are moving along!

Hope everyone’s week has started fabulously!

(Cold weather comfort food… banana muffins of course!)

Looks like Winter is Near

We got the fire a bit warm and even Pips towel was too hot for him

Twist and turn

What I was actually trying to do here was photograph my finished basket … until Mr Poser was showing off looking all cute

I decided if I went taller it would look silly.

The fresh colours at the top will fade quickly

I am a bit chuffed with it… love how the whole thing is made purely with the flax and no string or other man made materials.

So I started a new one…

I am using a needle this time and making the stitching much tighter .
Not sure what shape I will aim for… these things always seem to just do their own thing!

I’ve kept up with a bit more soaping.

I love it how this blobby kinda mess ends up looking so cool

I’ve been lazy about removing the blocks today and doing the final cut… maybe tomorrow? (This is the Lavender and Peppermint mix)

Today I made some ‘raspberry jam’ fragranced soap

I think tomorrow it will look better. The yellow parts have lightened up. Will try another snap when I unmould them
Thought it was about time I started using the butterfly embeds since I have a million of them

I was going to do a late night batch but the power has been flickering so… didn’t want to get caught half way through making something

The weather has been cold and mostly raining a lot. So we’ve not gotten out all the gear to work on the chook run the last few days. Killing me. I just want it done now!
I did get Jeff to come out and be on ladder holding duty while I went up and mopped off the solar panels.
Ugh… that guttering needs fixing but… its in a dodgy high spot (uneven ground) so we’ve not tried ourselves and we’ve not wanted to spend the $$
One day…
Anyways, solar panels! I didn’t fall down so that was good. But you can see where my reach isn’t enough. Roof is a bit slippery so I didn’t get right up there… just what I could reach at top of ladder with the mop. I suppose getting 3/4 of them cleaned off will be helpful.

Yay for self seeded tomato plants!

Sunflower seeds!


Poor Flossie is moulting again!! She looks dreadful! Stupid time of year to do it in this weather!
She seems happy enough and still totally greedy about her food


Our tiny little Japanese Maple is now bright red!
Just a burst of colour in the corner of the yard!

And lastly… one more of the posing pussycat!
Hope you’re all having a wonderful weekend!


Flying By…

Hi! Just thought you might like to see the cut soap from yesterday!
Love the pretty rose-geranium result… the fine gold line is hard to see but its there and rather elegant!

The lemongrass/exotic lime colours turned out a bit more subtle than expected but I like it a lot

Leftover mixtures into my bee moulds!!

Today we were out chipping away at that chook run!

Jeff did most of the construction although I was able to be useful finding timber, measuring out and cutting stuff to length

I pulled apart the timber pile to get to the size we needed as it was all stacked as it came off the mill.

We’ve put it all back in better order so finding what we need will be quicker. Should have done that at the beginning haha…
Never mind. We’ve put the intact long ones on top of the pile which we will be needing for the roof

So… here we are. We’re about ready for the next stages – door, shade cloth, tin and roof!
Oh and paint.
I will need to drive back over to the hardware shop tomorrow.
I’d like to pick up the laserlite for the roof, as well as more screws and paint.
Hmmmm and bird wire…
I better measure stuff and write a list hey?
Hope your day was great too!

Hiking Yesterday, Soaping Today!

I had a market stall at the Rhododendron Gardens on the weekend – was a gorgeous day out for visitors… sold a decent amount of soap, hung out with my Market Buddy Maureen and had a really good day.
Came home all enthused to dive in to restocking

(Photo thanks to my friend, Nardia xx)

First photo above is a nice subtle colour and fragrance ‘baby powder’

Today I did a double batch of cedar and saffron… always good to be stocked up on that!

Next was a loaf of the rose-geranium essential oil

This has sprinkles inside…

and lastly a Taiwan Swirl using the Lemongrass and Exotic Lime fragrance

I finished my big rustic basket…

Like some crazy birds nest!

I made up a hamper for the market stall but no-one really noticed it.
I think it would look great filled with veggies tho…

Yesterday was a superb day so we got out into the Sisters Hills for a hike

No wind either so the perfect hiking day!

We just kept on going until the time said we needed to double back so we weren’t hiking in the dark

Stopped for a picnic… nothing too gourmet

And an apple…

Always good to get out!

Hope everyone had a great weekend and a good start to the new week!
Take a leaf out of Pips Book and RELAX 🙂


Bit More Gardening

Hi.. Just attacking a few more spots in the garden.
I think I am about done with the wedding photos – Bride and Groom are meant to be popping over for dinner tomorrow
In between I am going to have to go back to the dentist… developed quite the ache that aint getting better. I am a bit bummed because it seemed to behave so nicely to start with.

The blueberry patch sprouted some tomato plants! Finally thought I might tie them up and tidy things… not sure how many decent warm days for ripening we’ll have from now!

Its a 3D tomato jigsaw… or pickup sticks or something!

The fungi are cute

The tomato plants have done well without any help from me!

A bit more sensible

I picked the pumpkins and pulled out their vines…

This has had its day…

Brought Flossie in to ‘help’

Just one chook in the garden at a time is enough

Then I start hearing lots of other ‘chook noises’ behind me!! I was SURE I shut the gate!

All of them! Teleported in somehow!! (and ate the red tomatoes!!!)(They went the long way around through a gate I had left open then marched into the garden from the other side, hence me not seeing them!)

I think the garden below is a ‘destroy and start again’ scenario

I started digging up the twitch, then decided I didn’t want to be doing that until Christmas so gave up. (its awful)
Will think about what to do…

One of the blueberries is looking pretty!

Time for bed I think!
Have a great day everyone!

Working on the Coop

First up – sprinkle soap cut! Very cute
Yesterday I spent the afternoon up a ladder cleaning out gutters.
In the last light I started weaving another basket just for the fun of it!

Looks a bit spider-webby

Today we did a short hike then came back to do more work on the chook run

I dug a hole… (Wondering A. How much dirt the adorable little chickens have kicked back into it and B. Since its raining heavily, if its filling with water right now!)

I picked up a sheet of garden lattice which I was hoping we could use as a door.

We’ve added some timber down the sides to make it a bit less flimsy (Not that its bad really)
The main thing is, I wanted a door to not only fit a wheelbarrow through, but to get it through without skinning my knuckles.

Its all taking shape

I am super excited to get in and start whacking the shadecloth and tin up.
Jeff is more sensible and is aiming to get the whole bones of the structure up first.
Sigh. (Curbing my impatience)

The slight off and on again rain became a steady downpour so we had to pack up the tools and quit for the evening.

Happy Easter everyone (Who celebrates) Hope your Easter weekend has been lovely so far