Busy Bees

No day of rest for bees today. (or for people cooking plums!)
Another lovely summer day.

The sunflowers at the back veranda are such a cheerful addition to the area. The bees are also enjoying them

This fellow was easy to photograph as he was so laden with pollen, he was moving like molasses!

I went over to visit a friend today who just had major surgery. Was nice to pack a basket of fresh food to take over as a care package!

I’m not really a fan of eating beans (unless they are raw so I munch on them in the garden while I work) so its good to have friends to pass them on to. Why do I grow them? I just like having them in the garden. It seems incomplete without them!!!

Well… my hothouse whitefly population has reached biblical plague proportions, so I figured I HAD to get something done.
I made a spray – base mix of one tablespoon of dishwashing liquid and a cup of oil. Then you add one teaspoon of that to a cup of water into a spray bottle. You need to keep shaking the bottle up as you use it to keep the oil mixed.

My initial observation is that it was very much doing its job. Less whitefly flying and lots just stuck to the leaves.
I’ll give the hothouse a good watering tomorrow and give it another dose tomorrow evening. I have high hopes. Getting tired of breathing them in!

My blanket-shawl is about 5 rows from being done. And while I am excited to finish it off, I got sidetracked with berets.
So I did two of those

You are actually meant to fold under by half the band and sew it in… and add elastic if necessary. But since I have a long face, if I perch something too high on my head I look reasonably ridiculous, so I liked leaving itthem as they were.

Anyway, I am a fan of making these berets as they are pretty quick to do and when you have a shorter attention span – its perfect! Plus perhaps a good thing to get a larger stock of for a market stall (if I ever get back to those!!!)

Hope your weekend was amazing





Author: Lisa

A happy traveller through life! Right now living in NW Tasmania with a gorgeous Nurse-Husband, a fool of a Siamese Cat and several chickens. We love our fairly simple lifestyle of growing a lot of what we eat and enjoying the stunning surrounds of our little patch.

8 thoughts on “Busy Bees”

  1. What a beautiful gift basket. I know they will truly appreciate the freshness!! Your berets are soooo pretty!! Well the flu has hit hard in these parts. I tested positive for type a last evening. Sure hope it’s over soon

    You sure are doing a mighty fine job in the garden

    1. Oh poor you! πŸ™ I wish I could also bring you around a care basket!! I hope it doesn’t linger. The flu that hit here in winter was a shocker.
      Stay warm and drink lots of fluids! πŸ™‚
      Thank-you re berets. They are a fun one to do!
      Take care and feel better soon! xx

  2. Lisa,
    Love the berettes !! Where did u find the patterns?? You look very good in them!! Your garden is doing fabulous!! How fun!!

    1. Hi! I use youtube because I don’t really know how to use patterns. I am a person that learns better when shown, so youtube has been perfect! πŸ™‚ (I can forward you that pattern if you like?)

  3. I would be delighted if u sent the pattern! Thank you so much ! Sorry about the spelling! My fingers don’t walk well sometimes.

    1. No worries… here is the link:

      Sorry if that looks messy… Hope I got it right – I don’t usually add links in the comments. I might add it into a post just in case someone else is interested too πŸ™‚
      Have fun with it… (Its a youtube tutorial but there is a link in there to a written pattern too I think!)

  4. You really do look lovely in those berets. They are very becoming on you. You have a very pretty and friendly face.

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