Book Nook.

Yes… I am still here. I confess to laziness when it comes to the blog lately.

I have become a bit attached to using the tablet sitting in front of the fire instead of getting my butt over to the PC to sort some photos. Did I mention I bought a new camera in Japan for hiking? One a fraction of the weight of my lovely Nikon. I took it up to cradle Monday/Tuesday when we did an overnighter but I don’t have a way of downloading the pics yet. But it was a vast difference to carry compared to the kilo and a half of my original camera.

Anyway… So, I bought this Book Nook craft project for Jeff and myself for Christmas with the idea that we could work on a fun project together.

(Possible future before the judge trying to explain reasons for a mutual filing of divorce šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚)

Actually, we did very well for our first afternoon crafting as a couple!! No swear words or fighting and we got a fair way along before dinner had to be started.

It’s a lovely little thing. Seems pretty good quality wise. It’s supposed to turn out like a miniature book shop (lights and all) that sits nestled between your real books on the shelf.

I was a bit nervous about snicking out the (in some cases) very delicate parts, but so far no mishaps.

I had also been to the local craft shop so we had the right glue. So far it all seems to be staying together.

It even came with a mini screwdriver to put the teeny tiny weeny screws into the hinge.

I ended up doing this bit… it was hard to hold them in place with our big fingers!!!

You do need a bit of patience with each glued bit to give it time to set.

Then comes the exciting bit of putting some walls together.

(The outside of the case…)

There are a ton of books to put together. We did the six required for this step, but it might be sensible to cut them all and make them up in one session.

I worry about a bookshop that stocks works by ‘Shakspere’ though.

Super cute… and below, Jeff’s finger for scale.

Then more popping out delicate pieces and gluing.

Waiting for the glue to set.

I think the books look mega cute on their shelf but it felt all wrong gluing them in place. (Years of book respect drilled into us by Mum I reckon!!)

Even at this early stage it’s taking place nicely.

Even some stairs in there!!

And just because we could we popped Totoro in there too….

I’ll update you when we next have a session… we’re looking forward to continuing the project. (And phew… I wasn’t quite sure how this would go down as a present or how it might work out but we really had a nice afternoon with it!)


Author: Lisa

A happy traveller through life! Right now living in NW Tasmania with a gorgeous Nurse-Husband, a fool of a Siamese Cat and several chickens. We love our fairly simple lifestyle of growing a lot of what we eat and enjoying the stunning surrounds of our little patch.

4 thoughts on “Book Nook.”

    1. lol… patience is probably the least of both of our virtues haha. But it was actually quite fun watching it develop… Luckily these are well made so you don’t have to bodgie things up to make it work…

  1. My husband would be a firm NO on working on the freestanding bookshop together. The idea gave me quite a chuckle! I did cross stitch when we were younger and he took it up and did a better job than I did, so he can do crafts.

    You two are doing a marvelous job and Iā€™m sure it will keep you off the streets and out of trouble for a good while. šŸ˜‰

    1. Hahaha… yes. I was in two minds about it really. Luckily the kit is very well made so so far its coming together like it should without too much confusion or frustration… which is making it a fun experience rather than something to endure!!
      Ooooo I’d never have the patience for cross stitch!!!

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