Behemoth of the Garden

Kitchen day – time to put the pinny on!!

Hello! How is everyone’s week trundling along?
I thought I would take a weeding break and tackle a few kitchen things.
First things first – need to show off my beetroot!

I figured it was about time to dig it out of its cosy home in the hothouse and see if it would cook up alright

I suppose a photo session first is ok

It cut rather nicely and I have been cooking it tonight. I probably need to taste it properly when its cool to give you a verdict on whether I left it too insanely long.

As I type I am waiting for some cooked and pureed strawberries to cool off. I want to make some ice cream before hitting the hay

Making step one – the vanilla ice cream with plums cooking behind

I picked a few plums and cooked them up too – wanted to try a different flavour in the ice cream.

When they had cooled I picked out the pips by hand then ‘mooleyed’ all the skin etc out so I was left with pulp

Also cooked up a pot of raspberries then sieved all the seeds out.

Raspberries, strawberries & plums

What I don’t use in the ice cream I will pop into the dehydrator to make fruit leather.

Strawberry and blueberry fruit leather

We made some the other day but I am yet to scrape it all off the trays! They got a bit stuck. I will use some baking paper for the next lot!! Still… tastes good!

Well – I suppose my strawberry mix might have cooled down enough to finish up this ice cream caper. (Its only 11.30pm 😀 )

Hope your day was great!


Todays pickings! We ate most of those potatoes!! Same with the lettuce and basil. One of the Black Russian tomatoes is showing colour. Can’t wait to get into that! Another cucumber, oodles of snow peas and all those luscious raspberries!

Author: Lisa

A happy traveller through life! Right now living in NW Tasmania with a gorgeous Nurse-Husband, a fool of a Siamese Cat and several chickens. We love our fairly simple lifestyle of growing a lot of what we eat and enjoying the stunning surrounds of our little patch.

4 thoughts on “Behemoth of the Garden”

  1. Your veggies look so good. I am so looking forward to fresh veggies. Your ice cream sounds so good! I have never made homemade ice cream before. I think I need to try this summer.

    1. We are so enjoying the fresh food after a long gloomy winter! the potatoes are the best!
      Ice cream isn’t hard to make! I was surprised actually. You don’t need an ice cream maker, altho its helpful, so you can just try a recipe and freeze it to see if its worth investing in one. I can’t wait to try the new flavours tonight (today… haha)

  2. Wow – look at that beet! I would love to have strawberries, plums and raspberries right about now. We are in the doldrums of winter and the weatherman says there is possibly snow coming over the weekend. Winter or not though we still have bunches and bunches of those weeds. I spread leaves over my garden and that is keeping the weeds in check for now but everywhere else including what should be lawn is full of emerging weeds. My work will be cut out when the weather does brighten soon. Thanks for the updates especially on your garden – does my heart good to see everything when I have nothing but gray days.

    1. Hi Beverly! Ahhhh – snow. It is so pretty though!! I wish my vegie plants were as tough as the weeds!! Its mad how they grow everywhere so easily!
      I am not sure how many plums we will get. They haven’t ripened and the birds have found them already. Those big old trees are impossible to net. Usually we get bucketfuls then the birds come in as my clean up crew. Works well.
      Hot day out there today!! Yay!

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