A Peaceful Day

Is it lame blogging on Christmas Day?? Oh well. We have had a lovely quiet sort of day so thought I would swing past here for a minute or two.
Jeff has just gone off to bed, Pip is curled up and I am trying not to eat chocolates!

After a whole bunch of Christmas phone calls with various family members across the country and around the world, we buzzed on down to join Ruby and Margie for Christmas Lunch.

Ruby cooked an amazing turkey!

Margie did the beautiful vegetables (including new potatoes & the peas from the garden)

And Macca kept his ears open for scraps!!

We took a little break between mains and dessert, swapped presents & I made up some fresh custard.
Then there was the turning out of the pudding… would it work?

Absolute perfection!

After the dishes were done everyone seemed ready for Nanna-Naps so we went home to relax for the afternoon. Jeff napped, so did Pip.
I don’t nap. I hate waking up in the morning so I am not keen to have to wake up for a second time in one day!
Jeff and I did go for an excellent walk this evening to walk off some of those desserts! The weather was just perfect and rounded off a pretty lovely day!


Author: Lisa

A happy traveller through life! Right now living in NW Tasmania with a gorgeous Nurse-Husband, a fool of a Siamese Cat and several chickens. We love our fairly simple lifestyle of growing a lot of what we eat and enjoying the stunning surrounds of our little patch.

6 thoughts on “A Peaceful Day”

  1. …and Merry Christmas to you too. Glad to hear you had a lovely day. We woke up to a dumping of snow overnight so it might make our drive to Burlington a bit slow. First we are going to visit my aunt who’s 92. She use to come with us to D & S’s, but she is not able to this year as her health has been slipping. We are looking forward to the day, except for the blustery cold windy temperatures today. Lots of love to both of you….Judy

    1. So sorry I missed your call! Drive safe in the snow and hope you all have a wonderful day – lots of love from all of us at Norwich House!

  2. LOVE your CHRISTMAS card written in the sand. That dessert looks like to die for!!!thank u for post. I do so enjoy reading about all your goings on. Ms Ruby looks great too!!!

  3. Merry Christmas to you too! Lovely pic of Ruby. The pink shirt pulls out the color in her face. Its the casual pics that are the ones that I keep, not so much the formal ones.
    We had a slight dusting of snow, the inches went north and south of us, but the winds are here: 40 mph ones. Staying inside in front of the fire for sure today. Thank you for “popping” by today.

    1. Thank-you so much! Yes… I like to surprise Ruby with photos… she is so photogenic when she is not trying to pose! lol
      Wow…. that wind! I agree… staying firmly inside is the sensible thing to do! Hope you are having a lovely day!!

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