A Little Garden Progress

Hello! I fell in a bit of a heap yesterday! I was in bed more than upright!!
A bit tired today but at least functioning!!
I took Megumi into Burnie and we did a bit of shopping. Was a pretty low key, enjoyable day!

The one cabbage I left to go to seed has started developing its pods.

The three transplanted rhubarb has been ravaged by something… so I have remulched and scattered some snail pellets about. Haven’t got time to fuss about with other methods that may or may not work. Sometimes I need to take little shortcuts!!

Mind you, the main rhubarb in the general veggie patch is going great guns!

I am enjoying seeing the little progress in the new brick raised beds. I replaced the three missing lettuce and the silverbeet and basil is starting to emerge.

I am a bit impressed with the beetroot bouncing back after being nibbled down to nothing by the evil rabbit.

The patch of lateral Black Russian tomatoes are going along nice and steady

And despite a few of these pumpkins being dug up by those chickens… they are all looking pretty good! (Except the runt of the litter down the front there!)

The three watermelon plants seem to be going slowly… still not convinced I’ll have any success there.

Capsicum – slow. But not dead. I also put in three more lettuce seedlings.
The marigolds haven’t popped up yet, but around the corner the rocket certainly has!
The eggplant have about the same attitude as the capsicum… which is ‘Meh’

Interesting about the corn and the timing of planting.
The first plot I put in ages ago… and its been really really slow.
Despite planting the second patch at least a month later, and then it getting eaten by evil rabbits and attacked by annoying chickens… its STILL caught up to the first patch in size!!

The patch is a bit scrappy, but glad I didn’t dig it all up. A lot has recovered quite well.

A few self seeded tomatoes at the back of the hothouse… they seemed content there so I just mulched them with some lawn clippings.

I the hothouse I can count only 6 baby tomatoes started, but only on one plant. The other plant looks good but no flowers are turning into tomatoes!! Bit concerned about that!

Happy to see baby cucumbers appearing!!

Well, the insane winds and rain from yesterday have eased… although the wind kicks up periodically. Some of the plants are getting a bit of a battering.

I did get out with Megumi after our shopping trip to pick some sweet stuff from the garden. 
Telling you… those raspberries were great on ice cream tonight!
Hope your day was sweet too!

Author: Lisa

A happy traveller through life! Right now living in NW Tasmania with a gorgeous Nurse-Husband, a fool of a Siamese Cat and several chickens. We love our fairly simple lifestyle of growing a lot of what we eat and enjoying the stunning surrounds of our little patch.

2 thoughts on “A Little Garden Progress”

  1. Looking at your cabbage seed pods, bet the tender/young ones would be wonderful pickled! One year, I let a radish go to seed and had great little pickles. The key was to pick the pods young, don’t go for size, as they quickly become tough.

    1. Oh!! I never even dreamed of doing that! I suspect mine might be a bit far along now since they have been like that a couple of weeks or so! How about raw? Can you munch on them like beans? Thanks for sharing that info!! 🙂

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