
Alrighty then…

I lit a beacon just before our friends arrived last week…

That got rid of one pile…
Mess mess, lots of mess

Hmmmm… started dragging out timber that we want to cut into usable bits for the fire and digging up weeds as I went along

And tossing them on the second bonfire pile.
I didn’t light this one up the other day as there was no clear break around it

Some of the thistles were massive… and boy… gloves do not work in the slightest with these monsters
I admit to a lot of jumping about and swearing during this process

Flossie was never far away!!

Started making headway in here… the scotch thistles are also a bugger to deal with!

I wore Flossie out clearly!!
Every so often she’d just go and sleep UNDER the barrow which is a bit limiting if you want to use it!! (I had some over filled barrows as I didn’t have the heart to shoosh her out haha)

At days end I had a new pile of weeds…

And a bigger burning pile!

Look at those pointy bits!!!

Anyway, that day I made a really good dint in moving wood and clearing weeds.

Rest time…

Back into it yesterday, Jeff on board helping this time.

From little things…
Big things grow!

She was kicking out some heat

It took a while but once it calmed down a bit we were able to get closer and start throwing all the other bits and pieces that were around (lots of bark etc) onto it

And yes… I found some nice potatoes under the area with all the bark!!

More weeding too

Up in this area I was wanting to clear and level to put in my garden shed

I cleared it back a bit but now looking at the slope and the hard work involved I am not so sure about putting the shed here…

It does make sense to tuck it in here somewhere but I am a bit daunted about creating the solid level ground needed…
And if I dig down near the fence then I’ll just end up with a gap for the chooks to run out of.
More thought needed.

Well … that made a rather big difference!!

I moved about 3 wheelbarrows full of wood to the wood pile, the rest will need cutting to size before stacking.
Just feels good to have all the rubbish gone!

Hope everyone has a fabulous weekend planned!
We are meant to be getting some groceries delivered tomorrow morning – I’ll do my RAT as well and let you know if I’ve succumbed to covid or resisted!! (Still feeling pretty ok… perhaps a slight sniffle (imagination?))

(Pip totally worn out too haha)