
Hi hi!
How are you all?
Lets catch up on some news…
First, the garage sale…

Sad really putting out the last of Ruby’s things for a garage sale. But a year down the track and many things have been passed on to family and put into use elsewhere – so it was time to tidy up the last bits as much as possible.
Settlement of the home is later in May.
Very happy news there though – the lady who bought it with family is going to LIVE there, not develop the area for units etc or knock anything down!
So relieving for Margie!

Of course… the dealers turned up an hour and a half before start time
What a bunch of obnoxious individuals!
Let me add
Rude, arrogant, pushy, belligerent, entitled and just generally gross.

Hindsight being 20:20 I would advise anyone having a garage sale to absolutely stick firm to your prices with no haggling for the first two hours.
Those vultures are only there to beat you down in price on good stuff they know is saleable at a profit to them. If they want it – they can pay for it.
If its decent stuff and sensibly priced, its highly likely it will sell later on to the usual normal garage sale visitors at asking price or close to as those people will want to be using it themselves.

After the pond scum had left, we had heaps of really nice people coming in to look around and buy and chat. It was so much nicer!
Maureen dropped in with her home made Kiss Biscuits for us (Cookies) and Shirley came in with a plate of fresh scones with butter and jam! Sooooo good!
Spoiled or what?
Lots of stuff has now been moved on – lots of the smaller leftover bits and bobs packed away and stored with a relative who is planning a joint garage sale later on this year
There are still some bigger pieces to move along which will have to be dealt with this week.

Before the garage sale Jeff and I bought Ruby’s bookcase
I am so happy… finally after TEN years, my beloved Biggles Books were freed from their boxes!

(Blog interspersed with lazy Pip images haha)

On the soaping front…
I’ve been wanting to get some silicone impression mats to put at the bottom of my moulds to get some fun designs on the bottoms of the soaps…
I have been hesitant of buying online… size, price blah blah

I found some ‘rubber lace’ in one of the local material shops and thought I’d give it a go… I got a metre of it and can cut to size.

I popped the soap out and was like, damn. Did not have high hopes for getting the now slightly embedded lace mat off the soap without making a mess…


How great did that turn out???!!
So happy.
I think its a great way to tart up the plain unscented/uncoloured bars of soap, so I’ll spend some time cutting the ‘lace’ into sections to fit my moulds.

Even better? A single silicone impression mat runs at about $15. I got a metre of this for about $5 (Frugal hey?)

I had a market at Elliot yesterday… because it was Mothers Day today (Happy Mothers Day to all the awesome Mums out there!!) I put together a few packs in case people needed a ready-to-go present.

I got to use the sticky labels that Jeff made me… very exciting.

I was looking for a different box but spotted these with the see through top…

Perfect for the fancy star soaps! (Sitting on the crocheted facewasher and scrubbies)

And did a different box set

Sadly it was a super quiet sales day. I did sell some soaps, but no packs (sob).
Never mind. With markets you definitely win some and lose some
Happily there is the local Uniting Church fete next Saturday and I’ve usually done quite well there, so fingers crossed!

Pip sitting on the coffee table to eyeball me about getting his warmed up towel and wrapping him in it!

We are all enjoying the cosiness of our nightly fires!

I hope you’ve all had a lovely weekend and you can be as relaxed as Pip

Lazy Me Digging the Potatoes

Haha – look at this mess! Twas once a potato patch!

I can’t believe I’ve managed to put off for so long digging the remaining potatoes.
Not as big of a harvest as other seasons… well… some in part due to me scruffing into the plot for 2 months longer than normal.
Also even though the season wasn’t hot… it was windy so I reckon I didn’t water enough up this end.

Some good sized ones in there…

Fast forward and done!

There are still a few rogue patches of them around here and there… like this lot near the bottom of the corn patch

While I was grubby… I decided to pull out a couple of bales of straw and bed this plot down for winter.

Straw complete with some dogs vomit fungi haha (and ew)

Carrot patch is being nibbled on still…

I pulled up a carrot for dinner and then forgot to cook it!

A couple of the beetroot have grown huge!

I also need to run about with a basket SOON to get more of the tomatoes.
First I need to finish sorting out the others I’ve cooked and half made into sauce!

Grabbed the ripe chilli’s – time also to make the sweet chilli sauce!

All this stuff is interrupting my soapmaking!!!

Something for the salad at dinner tonight!

Dont forget to comment if you would like a chance to have a Ruby Rug… And its really sweet those concerned about shipping overseas… I am happy to do it… (It might go sea mail if its really exe, but it’ll get there.)
Might even have a sneaky bar of soap in it too…

Hope everyone has had a great weekend (Will tell market tales later)