Soggy Hike

Well… we’ve spent a quiet day today, nursing a few aching muscles!
The weather forecast wasn’t entirely accurate… and while half our hike was in cool and pleasant conditions… after lunch it deteriorated into feral.
Megumi is never going to go out with us again!!

We started in fine tour guiding style by providing a local wombat to hang out on the path with us…

He/she wasn’t at all fazed by the excited humans watching it eat and scratch its bum on the boardwalk!! So funny

Clearly this wombat has been there/done that and is quite comfortable posing for the camera (would have helped if I didn’t have the fisheye lens on but hey… can’t win em all!!)


Still happy

Its always nice to get into the little rain forest area with the stream and waterfalls running beside the path

And we continue steadily up.

Its enjoyable walking through the scrubby bush with the mountains looming behind!

Sign of a dry season… the lake is rather low and we could walk into the boat house!

We rested here, ate a muffin and talked to a group of Japanese tourists!!

I finally pointed out to Megumi where we were going!! 😀 (ie UP)
(But slowly)

As usual… the views got better – but the wind really started to pick up.

Fantastic effort! Got to the top of Marions Lookout – at least we got to see Cradle Mt while we ate lunch.

Doesn’t seem like a proper Cradle Hike without my lovely Cuz, Fiona!!
Jeff – looking like a mad professor, took my bandanna because his ears were hurting from the cold/wind.

Megumi enjoying her sandwiches overlooking Dove Lake

The plan after Marion’s was to walk over the plain towards Cradle then go down the Horse Track… basically a big loop.
We didn’t get far before:

No more views, but a temperature drop, sideways rain and plenty of wind!!
It was hard going – I was a bit worried about Megumi as she wasn’t used to this kind of weather nonsense… especially being actually out in it!!
We debated which way to return but stuck to the original plan.
I enjoy this kind of mad weather but when you have someone new with you its not the best way to introduce them to the area. You want to show it to them in the best way!!

The camera got put back in its dry bag for quite some time… I finally got a bit of a break in the rain and snapped some of the pretty moss.

By the time I finished mucking about Jeff and Fiona were lost to sight and Megumi was a little way ahead…

We all caught up again for a drink and rest on the lee side of a large boulder to get a break from the wind.
The view was murky…

Literally five minutes later…

Such a fabulous place!!

It was great getting back to the car and going to the lodge to get hot drinks, something to eat and sit by the fire!! Very cosy!
Quite the adventure but I suspect our poor guest might decline the next offer of ‘do you want to go hiking with us?’ !!!

Hope everyone had a great weekend and stayed a little drier than we did!!


Hi there! Not much from me tonight!
Didn’t get the camera out to record things like – netting the last plums, watering, shopping, kayaking, baking raspberry muffins etc.
But it all happened – I promise!! 😀

We’ve got a jaunt to Cradle planned for tomorrow so unless the weather goes pear-shaped, I have to get up rather early to sort a picnic etc and get underway.

Hope your weekend has started well!


Jeff liberated some lettuce leaves from the bins behind the supermarket!! :O

That might be a wee bit dodgy but the girls are loving it!

I am probably going to have ‘Hay Regret’ but I haven’t been able to get the straw and haven’t gotten around to getting seaweed in the quantities I want.
Its not going on the garden, but wanted to slow the grass between the beds.

Basically we can’t mow or whippersnip when the pumpkins are running all about the place.

I spent a good portion of the afternoon rearranging the pumpkin runners to get a layer of newspaper down then bulked it up with the hay

Its all been given a good soaking too – I know Tasmania… if I didn’t the wind would get up and blow this across the neighbours paddock!

Anyway, it was a grand start. I have ideas that the whole garden will be under hay/straw and newspaper…

Seems a lot of work when there is only one pollinated pumpkin so far! (Still… I am proud of it anyway haha)

Got plenty of lovely beetroot too! Will be time to cook some more in the near future!

That patch of Black Russian Tomato laterals is going fabulously! There are a lot of little tomatoes started.

I spent a lot of time with my tomatoes today too – cutting off the excess foliage and tying bits up – trying to make sense of the tangle I seem to have!

This raised patch is a hodgepodge of tomatoes. I cut out a lot of leaves from here too… but they really need tying up in the near future

My two dollar tomato plants have been a bit neglected and dwarfed by lemon balm, weeds and so on.
Attended to them as well to give them a chance.

All in all… along with a bit of weeding here and there its been fairly productive today!
Time to put my feet up I reckon!
Have a wonderful weekend everyone!

Marigolds starting to show – clearly have to re apply some mulch here. The local blackbirds have had a fine time kicking it all out!


I found someone to swap my raspberries for blueberries!! Pity we are at the end of the season – but keeping the fellows number for next year!!
Anyway, blueberry muffins seemed like a good idea! (Ice cream next??)

Then I took an idea from Margaret. We hadn’t saved many plums, but what I got I cooked, took out the pips and ‘moolied’ (got pulp). I gave some to Margie who wanted to turn it into a version of the BBQ sauce. I thought that was a great idea, since I am out of BBQ sauce and not rolling in tomatoes yet to make more in the conventional way.
I reckon it turned out pretty great. (Added bonus was no room left in freezers really so I need to cook what I have to save it!)

I am still dreaming of pesto… so trying to grow a few more basil plants. Happy to see some roots appear on these

This cucumber got picked and half put into tonights salad! Lovely and fresh tasting!
Plenty of flowers and a couple of other small ones that have started growing… hopefully the leaf trim back I did will help with pollination.
Also will have to get out the whitefly mix soon!!

Picked two more tomatoes today, and ate the first one!
Oh its soooooo good to have a real tomato again! Loved it!

I made ‘zucchini balls’ to go with dinner today but essentially they were more like ‘splats’ than ‘balls’
You grate zucchini, carrot and onion, add in a couple of eggs and add SR flour and a bit of cumin. The recipe said one cup of SR flour but I really needed a lot more. Anyway, it wasn’t firm enough to roll into a ball so I just scooped the mixture out of the bowl and dropped into a pan of hot oil to shallow fry.
Served with Greek yoghurt and yummo!

We did a lap of Anniversary Bay today… trying to start getting fitter as we have about 6 weeks until our next Overland Trek.
My it was HOT!
On the way home I stopped in at a farm and picked up some hay – need to clean out chook coop and also use it as mulch under the pumpkins and around.
So hopefully tomorrow might be an actual gardening day!!

Hope your week has been going along splendidly!!

Raspberry Ice Cream Recipe

Hi There!
A request was made for the raspberry ice cream recipe I use.

I have a base ‘Old Fashioned’ vanilla ice cream recipe… to which I just add 300gms or so of the fruit pulp (Strawberry, raspberry or plum usually)

300ml cream (Recipe originally calls for milk here but the end product is not so hard to scoop using cream)
1/2 cup caster sugar
pinch salt
1 teaspoon vanilla essence
1 well beaten egg
300ml extra cream

Heat cream, sugar, salt & vanilla in a saucepan until almost boiling
Stir in about half of the mixture into a bowl with the beaten egg, stirring well.
Put egg mixture back into pot and keep stirring on low heat until mixture thickens slightly.
Set aside to cool then refrigerate.

I make sure I have my fruit cooked and pulped then chilled before going ahead with the final steps.
I sieved the seeds out of the raspberries. I also added sugar to taste as without I think its a bit tart.

Once cream mixture is cooled I add the extra cream in and mix well – then put the whole lot into an ice cream churner.
After 20-30 minutes it can be transferred into container for freezing.
If you don’t have an ice cream maker you can just mix it all up and freeze it anyway. I’ve done that before and it was fine!! 🙂

I found with the raspberry mix you need to take the ice cream out about 20 minutes before you want to scoop it because it does go a bit hard.
The strawberry mix was easier to contend with!
But all worth it because it tastes so good!


Slow Gardening

Well – we reached 30C today!! Thats pretty hot for Tassie!! (86F)
Pip has been in various stages of collapse everywhere around the house. Mostly in doorways though – because he is a cat.

Around the garden… I haven’t been doing much weeding or tidying. A lot of watering and moving water about. I quite enjoy moving the sprinklers while they are still going in this weather!
The first corn patch has started to do its thing, although it still overall doesn’t look all that impressive. Still… its exciting to see the little silkies appear!

Baby watermelons come and go, as do the baby pumpkins. Still hoping nature will do the job of pollination for me.

The zucchinis are appearing steadily!

Some of the rocket has started to go to seed. I’ve really been enjoying it in the salads!
Marigolds are starting to pop out too

Yesterday or the day before I noticed a tomato FINALLY making a bit of a colour change!!
Today I was thrilled to find it much more pronounced. I couldn’t help picking it… a couple of days on the kitchen window sill and then it should be ready to take pride of place in the nightly salad!

Found some flowers on my capsicum plants and have started training the hothouse watermelon up!

I actually spent quite some time in the hothouse (sweating) cutting off all the leafy extras from the tomatoes and cucumber plants. It had gotten so dense in there. Now I figure, more light, more energy from the plants can go into the fruit, insects might even see the flowers now and I can see whats going on!! I forgot to get a snap of the pile of leaves – it was quite an impressive lot! Hopefully that was the right thing to do.

Tonight we enjoyed the home made raspberry ice cream that I made yesterday! I took the seeds out and added a bit of sugar to the raspberries – its a pretty nice flavour thats for sure!!

Hope your week has started well!

Sunflowers! Nearly there!

Tarkine Drive

Lovely hot days we are having! I like moving the sprinkler around the garden without turning it off!!

We really enjoyed our day drive around the Tarkine. There were plenty of short walks and different sights to see
We started back at Trowutta Arch to show Megumi this pretty little place

There was more of the smelly but cool looking fungi about and a few other quirky things

And cool shadows

A couple of years back we had some pretty intense fires in this area which was devastating.
The recovery is slow and its easy to see the effected areas. I am sad we never got down here before the fires – then again, seeing it afterwards might have been harder if I knew what it was meant to look like!

The Milkshake Hills reserve only reopened in the middle of last year.
Its a good place to stop for a picnic – now that I know there are free BBQ’s there, next time I’ll have to bring some snags!!!

The only drawback was the flies!!! We don’t usually get attacked by flies in our area, so these were a shock! Big blowies that honed in on you as soon as you stopped walking! Seems they are too lazy to follow you as you move. So I ate my sandwiches doing laps around the picnic area!!

There was a nice little walk around the area which we did before heading off the the next point of interest.

By the side of the road as we were tootling along, we came across another sinkhole! This one was really pretty. Lots of life buzzing about the water surface

Then we found a river, so we stopped… me to dip my feet…

And Jeff to stare at rocks…

Lake Chisholm was the next stop. A sweet little walk under the tall trees down to the lake which is actually a sinkhole as well!

Quite big for a sinkhole I thought! Although I am sure there are huge ones around the world!!

We actually went driving right past this as we figured we’d done enough for the day… then caught a glimpse of the view through the trees, so did a dodgy U-turn and scooted back for a stickybeak!
The sign said ’10 minute walk’ so dutifully locked the car and set out…
30 seconds later…

I swear Ruby would have made it in under 5 minutes!!
Anyway, the view up the river over the trees was lovely.

And last, but not least – another stop by the river.

Very uncharacteristically of Jeff – went in for a swim!! I was so jealous! The only reason I didn’t go in was because I was wearing denim 3/4 pants which would have either dragged me to the bottom or stayed horribly wet for the drive home.
Note to self… don’t leave home without swimmers!!

I am already plotting my return!

Hope everyone has had a wonderful weekend as well!
To those of you in snow – stay warm
To those fellow Australians who are cooking this summer – stay cool and hope we get some relief and rain soon!



Hi there!!
We did a lovely drive around the Tarkine yesterday… however I haven’t quite gotten the photos sorted!

I seem to be forever chasing my tail these days!!!
Never mind. I’ll eventually get it together!

I have grand plans of waking early and dashing to the market to see if I can get some bales of hay or straw.
I really want to clean the chicken coop (long overdue poor girls) and use some for mulch and maybe even have a little dabble in strawbale gardening.

Have a wonderful weekend!!

So excited to see today that one of Tentaculars babies has started turning purple!!!!


I’m still kicking about! Just haven’t taken photos for whatever odd reason.
We had planned on a Cradle Hike today but the weather wasn’t quite up to scratch. Felt it better to wait while we were taking someone new up there. Don’t want to scare the pants off our guest! 😀

We picked what was left of the plums. The birds were getting in the nets anyway. I’ve made a small batch of jam, but now washing and cooking what I can to save what we got.

Today I also booked Jeff and myself back for another go at the Overland Track!! March 8th.
Megumi’s husband is arriving late Feb and staying a couple of days… they both leave for Melbourne early March which gives Jeff and I a few days home together to finalise our packs before heading out.
Will totally have to step up the practice hiking though!!

Its been quite warm… but nowhere near as warm as the mainland. Australia is basically cooking at the moment.
Dad keeps updating me with the current temperatures in my hometown.
They got up to 45C!! (113F)
So many places are steadily and daily hitting well over 40C
Its insane!!
I must say Tasmania is a lot milder. Certainly hot enough to be enjoying a proper summer but not quite THAT melting!!

Anyway, time for bed.
Hope you are having a lovely day!


Just a Little Gardening

Hello!! A strange sea mist rolled in this afternoon! I was working outside and it was pretty hot, so decided to go for a drive down to the beach for a swim! Not five minutes down the road and its like I am driving through a London Pea Soup Fog!!
(Still the dip was nice!)

Time to make better use of this plot! The lettuce had gone bitter and the snow peas all sprawled out like this really wasn’t making optimal use of space… the snow peas were just about done here anyway.

I’ve now planted two rows of basil seeds in the right side -if they germinate well I’ll transplant all over that side and into other areas later.
The left side I put in a row of cos lettuce – will also transplant them around when (if) they pop up.
Also put in two more rows of beetroot because… well why not?

Have a look at this boring dirt photo haha

Tentacular was given another small haircut today. Being honest – I really have lost control of him.
So I did some minor clearing up in other corners of the hothouse

It was hard, but I pulled up the nicely growing self seeded tomatoes. I really wanted the eggplant and capsicum to have more of a chance

There is one self seeded one I am still trying to keep under control – cut it back a bit and tied it up again.

It finally looks like another couple of cucumbers have pollinated and are making progress

I also redirected a few errant parts of the vine back up the rebar trellis rather than sprawling out over the marigolds and other plants

I am pretty sure my tomatoes are channeling Jacks Beanstalk and are on their way up and out.
The tomatoes are never going to change colour.

The Melon Corner is doing fine. I have redirected them up as well. No fruit yet of course…

Anyway, I was melting in there so I was happy just to do some essentials then escape.

The corn that was eaten by rabbits and chooks is doing a splendid job!!

Loving adding the rocket to the nightly salads!

These lettuce are a puzzle. They look nothing like the first lot I planted out – but were all from the same seedlings that I originally grew!!

The capsicum are slow – not sure if I will get anything happening before the season turns, but… have to try anyway!

Pretty much all of the dead-looking spring onions have come back to life well!

Lateral tomatoes forging ahead!

Sweet baby carrots

The obligatory armful of zucchinis

And thats a lot of dinner covered!

There are a couple of plums left that the birds missed… nice to have a munch on those. I think I’ll have to make time to get under the nets (fat lot of good they did anyway) and pick whats there and cook them up. I can’t imagine how many plums the rotten things have scoffed.

Win some seasons, lose others!

Some of the random seeds that Emma planted for me have popped out in flower!!

Anyway, thats the rounds of the garden done!
Time for bed – feeling all that lovely sunshine I soaked up today!
Hope your day was great too!