Blackboard List

Its a plan…

I am not generally a list person. But today I thought I would give it a go as I am pretty much an aesthetically relaxed procrastinator so I thought it would help.

Plus crossing things off is quite satisfying.

I had been meaning to make up some cherry ice-cream for a while. I had bought some cooking cherries locally and froze what I hadn’t used.  My parents bought us an ice-cream maker for Christmas! (I think they were playing favourites here as I do like ice-cream, but Jeff has an addiction)

In goes the cherry pulp

I made a traditional vanilla ice-cream base recipe and then just poured the pureed cherries in.

The final colour turned out pretty fabulous!!

No artificial colourings here!!

It taste tested up really well 🙂 But it has to freeze overnight to be ‘proper ice-cream’ (waiting – waiting – I wonder if its ok to have ice-cream for breakfast?)

Passed the taste test – I might have licked the bowl and stirrer too!

It was a beautiful day outside and I couldn’t let that sunshine go to waste without putting a couple of loads of laundry through –

Note to self – remove spider webs tomorrow

It was a good excuse to get out of the kitchen a few times and soak up the sun.

I got into those windfall apples and rescued what I could. Even the dodgy apples still have plenty of good bits to use. We have codling moth unfortunately that we haven’t got under control yet. At least they mostly burrow to the core so they are easy to cut out.  This one was a bit more manky looking –

Hmmm – what’s lurking inside?

But I still got plenty out of it –

For the dehydrator

It was hard eyeing off the blue skies out the kitchen window, I wanted to be in the garden, but I knew the tomatoes were going feral, so I had to sort them out too.

I used a good amount in a slow cooked meal. I thawed out some stewing steak last night and added a couple of onions and a mix of beef stock, mustard powder and a liberal helping of my plum-Worcestershire sauce. (one of those make-it-up-as-you-go-along dishes!) I know these recipes call for browning the meat & onions first, but I am a huge fan of not adding to the workload or dishes – so, into the pot altogether at once!


It worked out really tasty, which is lucky because it is going to be dinner tomorrow night too.

The rest of the tomatoes got sorted – either chopped and frozen or given to the chickens. I did not even glance at the tomato plants when I was in the garden!! I don’t want to know what’s ready to pick until tomorrow or the next day!!

Eventually I made my way down to the beach, but there was less kelp than yesterday.

Wynyard Beach – beautiful afternoon to be out

I was strong and stayed away from the shells

Lots to look at!

Funny thing was, as I was walking up the beach picking up lumps of kelp I could hear a conversation coming up behind me. I thought… that’s nice. Friends out for a stroll on the beach. Ha – one woman on a phone. She walked all the way along the beach above and back and she was still on the phone! I felt a little sorry for her. I guess I love it that I completely unplug when I leave the house.  I see a walk on the beach as a way to unwind and just be with a friend or your own thoughts for a change, rather than organising those busy lives of ours!!

Anyway – I found it easy to fill two bags with kelp. There is a lot of grassy seaweed on the Wynyard beaches which makes fantastic mulch. (But there are a couple of girls coming to stay in April and that is a perfect job to get them to help me with -saving that task up for later)

I was a bit naughty and put the bags in the car 🙂

See how I responsibly added a tarp under the bags?

If you live by the sea and are allowed to collect kelp – this is how I make my ‘kelp juice’

16 kelp juice recipe
Kelp Juice Recipe

Then your vegetables can grow big and strong –

Another of my supersized vegies! Mad beetroot! (or beet )

Recipes below if you are interested!

Have a great day!


Old Fashioned Vanilla Ice Cream

300ml milk

pinch salt

1/2 cup castor sugar

1 teaspoon vanilla essence (or 5cm piece vanilla bean)

1 egg, beaten

250ml cream

Combine milk, salt, sugar, vanilla into saucepan – cook over medium heat until nearly boiling.

Gradually stir half the milk into the egg – stirring

Add all back into the pot and cook over low heat until mixture thickens slightly.

Refrigerate  – chill well.

Mix cream in with wisk and pour into ice-cream maker to  do its thing.

(This is where I added in the cherry mixture. Raspberry is next on my list!)


Mostly Made Up Slow Cooked Beef recipe.

1 kilo stewing steak – cut into chunks and coated in flour

600gms chopped tomato

two thickly sliced onions

Broth: Mix:

1 cup beef stock

1 teaspoon mustard powder

1 tablespoon Worcestershire Sauce

Mix all together, splash more Worcestershire Sauce in and add some garlic salt.

All into oven at 100 deg. C (or slow cooker if you have one)

I did this one for about 4-5 hours and thickened at the end with a bit of cornflour, served with rice.

PS 😀 😀

Did I or didn’t I?



Market Day

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Sunrise over Wynyard Beach

Despite my pessimism about the weather and a chilly start – it was a gorgeous sun drenched day, with minimum wind! Sometimes Mother Nature gets it exactly right!

I found my spot and parked the car and of course grabbed the camera and dashed down to the beach! All that kelp!!! (yes yes – the sunrise was quite lovely, but I was making plans for a return to stock up on kelp for the garden!)

Wynyard Beach looking back towards Fossil Bluff

By then I was sufficiently awake enough to start unpacking the car and setting up.  I would like to take a moment to let you know that Jeff piked out on me and stayed home!! The advantage to this is he is not wandering the market unsupervised spending the money I am trying to make. The downside  was at the end having to cross my legs a bit! 🙂 (The public loos (toilets) are waaaay down the other end of the market)

Gazebo up

One of the regular stall holders that I have gotten to know came and helped get my gazebo up – I can do it myself, but its quicker with more hands of course! One of the nice things about this area – friendly helpful people – although I must admit the man in question did tease me about actually turning up today!! He thinks I am a fair weather person!! I would totally agree!!! If you had experienced having a market stall on the foreshore when the wind was howling, the rain was coming in sideways and unexpected hail in summer – then you would think it was perfectly reasonable to pull the covers over my head and stay firmly at home!

Ready to go

Today was one of the more perfect days!


There were lots of people out and about today, but not so many reaching into their pockets to spend.

I was really pleased though, to offload almost all the boxes of vegetables that I brought with me. The jams & sauces keep, so no drama and less cooking over the next couple of weeks!

I also put a nice big jar filled with parsley on the table and offered it free to people who stopped to chat or buy. I have so much parsley I am happy for it to be used, and a small free thing cheers people up I reckon!


I love meeting new people & chatting to the regular stall holders that I have gotten to know. I have made new friends with a couple and their young daughter who moved to Tasmania in their old bus less than three weeks ago and I have already run into them about 5 or 6 times. I am wondering if I should try to convince them I am not actually stalking them! 😀

People watching is fun, and customers are varied but mostly friendly and chatty. One lady made me chuckle a little today as she wanted some of my cherry tomatoes… I was offering that people could fill a bag for $2 (and telling them not to be shy about stuffing it as full as it would go)  Anyway, she only wanted a few unripe ones, so she filled the bag about a quarter full or so and asked how much… 50 cents I say confidently. Her face fell and she spent the longest time trying to decide what to do!! I thought it was a pretty good price (hey we are talking organic here too!) Maybe I should have just said to take them gratis!! Sometimes I think of the best thing to do too late!

People watching from the shade

By 2pm, everything had died down, so I packed up as fast as I could (remember – crossing my legs now) and drove literally across to road to see my Great Aunt Ruby, as its tradition for me to drop in after the market and have a cuppa!

I caught her cat napping in the sun (perfectly reasonable for someone who is nearly 100 years old!) So I dashed past with a breathless “Hi Ruby  – Its Lisa – I need your little girls room right now!!”

Once that was sorted I could give her a big hug and catch up. The darling had cooked me lunch!!!

A “Ruby-Nin” lunch

Everything from her garden fresh!! Oh did that go down well!!!  Of course we finished up with coffee and sponge cake before I took my leave to get home and unpack the car. (A job almost as bad as folding washing, but not one I can avoid – pretty sure Jeff would say something about having to drive to work with boxes of sauces and market tables in the car with him…)

It was nice to sit down with Jeff and count up all my loot – $130 today which turned out a lot better than I had supposed so was totally worth getting out of bed early and spending a day not in the kitchen!

A quick wander about the garden is necessary – just to see what is happening. Jeff had done a lot of work weeding and trimming trees etc. Then I saw someone – who shouldn’t have been – in my vegetable garden!!! Bad Chook!


After throwing the chicken back over the garden fence I ate a bean –

Fresh & sweet

and picked the last small corn cob to discover it had about 20 fat kernels  – so I ate those too! So sweet – they just explode in your mouth!

Fresh, sweet & very juicy!

I hope your weekend has been a lot of fun


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Zucchini Flower and Parsley



A bit of a tidy up…

Ready for a trim

With all the rain, followed by plenty of sun, the grass (and weeds) were shooting up at a rate you could almost watch!

And we were beginning to lose the cat –


So we did a much needed tidy up of the things that the wind had scattered about the yard and Jeff got out on his mower and sorted it out (I laughed when I caught him driving up to the apple tree to pick a snack for a break!!)

Drive through apples

I picked up all the windfall apples so he didn’t do a yard-size apple puree. Quite a lot of the windfall apples are ok for use –

The good windfalls

But a lot have been nibbled on – probably by our local possums or the single rabbit that has also taken up recent residence –

The not so good windfalls

The chickens had a perfectly lovely afternoon as they are not normally allowed up the ‘house side’ of the property (something about their insistence on digging up my strawberries and herb gardens) So they were thoroughly over-excited at this little extra freedom today.

She thinks I have food
Our beautiful Australorps

Its funny watching them zigzag all over the yard chasing bugs. But then finally they worked their way up into the strawberries and herbs so it was time to herd their little feathery butts back to the other side!

Not a bad herding job! The usually scatter in 9 different directions!

I’m actually trying to “Speed-Blog” tonight as we have to be up at silly O’clock tomorrow morning to get down to the local market and set up. I’d just like to take this opportunity to explain I am not a morning person.  In fact “not a morning person” doesn’t even begin to explain how much of a morning person I am not!  So tonight I would prefer to be in bed while the clock still says pm for a change

So I picked a few tomatoes –

I managed to separate a large crate of saleable cherry tomatoes out of these

All my jams/sauces are sorted out and other bits and bobs that I need are all in the car. We just have to (ok I am saying “We” here because Jeff still hasn’t fully decided if he is coming along with me tomorrow…) pick some parsley and silver-beet in the morning and shove the last boxes in the car before going. Early.

Goodnight all – fingers crossed that tomorrow the weather doesn’t do a nose dive back into the biblical-level rain of yesterday!


My feelings exactly!



Goodnight Sky

Super colours tonight

After a wet, howlingly miserable day that forced me into lighting the fire for the first time this season, Tasmania chose to say goodnight with a spectacular sky.

So I grabbed my camera and dashed across the highway so I could get some photos to share.


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Friday’s Footprints – Fossil Bluff

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Sandstone cliffs of Fossil Bluff

Time to share another bit of Tasmania with you.

Fossil Bluff, with its beautiful sandstone cliffs, is less than 10 minutes drive from our front door. We often dash down here for a beach fix and to collect a few more pretty rocks from the shore. (We’re a bit nerdy like that! 🙂 )

Layers of the cliffs are embedded with fossils which date back 38 million years!! You’ll see mostly shells but Fossil Bluff has yielded a fossil wombat (Wynyardia) and a complete ancient whale (Prosqualodon).  Cool huh?

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Closer to the cliff layers
So many fossils
Its hard to believe these have been around for 38 million years!!

Its possible to walk a fair way up the beach at low tide

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Low tide at Fossil Bluff

There are lots of nooks and crannies to explore

Jeff inspects the cliff face
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Crack in the cliff

My favourite pastime down here is rock hunting. I am quite addicted to the amazing rocks we find at different beaches in our area.

Late afternoon overlooking Table Cape

You can find nice examples of Calder River Agate

Agate – not the usual colour found here

And other pretties –

A mix of rocks we have found from Fossil Bluff and other nearby beaches (which I have polished)

Its a gorgeous photogenic area, so I rarely go down without my camera

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High tide
Its kinda like a lasagne 🙂
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The tide swirls over the rocks
Follow the boardwalk and up to the top of the cliff for a great lookout

Its a fossickers little bit of heaven

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Is it just me or does anyone else see the horse in the driftwood?
Small stone crammed with fossils

Its the perfect place to run a visitor down to see when time is pressing, but I am just glad its a stones throw away from us to enjoy!


My love heart being washed away!



Jam, sauce & dinner

Plump raspberries from this season

Since there is a market upcoming (although by the sound of the pouring rain as I type, it may be a no-goer) I thought it best to drag some of the umpteen squillion bags of raspberries out of the freezer and make some more jam. Everyone seems to love it. (Except my weird husband who avoids it because he is a sook about seeds in his teeth! 🙂 ) (more for me!!)

Sticky goodness

It was important to test it –

Fresh bread and jam


Moving right along to make up that sweet chilli sauce

Sweet Chilli Sauce

Recipe for those who are interested:

You’ll need a long lead time if you want to grow your own chillies and garlic, otherwise its pretty straightforward.


300 grams chillies (deseeded)

100 grams garlic

70 grams fresh ginger

1.2 litres of cider vinegar

2 kg sugar

1 teaspoon salt


Put your chillies, garlic and ginger in the Gee Whizzer with a bit of the cider vinegar to puree

Add to large pot with remaining ingredients and boil (keep an eye on it – horrible to clean up if it boils over)

Recipe calls for 25 minutes of simmering but I need a LOT longer (ie an hour or two) to reduce to the desired thickness

Do yourself a favour and DO NOT INHALE while cooking or even washing the pot. Seriously. Your eyes will water for a week.

Pour into sterilised bottles and enjoy.

Drizzle on cream cheese and biscuits (crackers) or very nice with spring rolls

Since I had made meatloaf yesterday I didn’t have much to do to get dinner ready, except trot down the yard to my personal supermarket to pull up some carrots –

Impressed with my carrots that I have mostly ignored all season!

Pick the first of the pumpkins It was so small but the plant has died back so why not try it? Glad we did – tasty!!

Cute teeny pumpkin
Looks ok

And a visit to the herb garden for some basil, parsley and oregano. Honestly – have you seen how expensive ‘fresh’ herbs are to buy in the supermarket? Even if you don’t have a garden, grab a few pots and grow your favourite herbs. You won’t look back!

Herb Garden

I also had a taste for some stuffed tomatoes, so while the vegies were baking I prepared a few. Its another great way to make use of your excess tomatoes.

First whizz up some breadcrumbs and add some fresh herbs (or dry) and a bit of garlic salt

Breadcrumbs & fresh herbs

Get your tomatoes, cut in half and scoop out the centre.

Scoop middles

Smush up or whizz up the centres and add them to the breadcrumb mixture then spoon the lot back into the tomato shells.

Top with a bit of basil and a smidge of butter. They will take about 5 minutes under the grill so you can do them last thing before serving up dinner.

Ready for the grill

I have no photo of dinner because I was hungry and ate it – plus it wasn’t that photogenic anyway – but it was fresh and tasted not too bad at all!




Willing Workers – Gorgeous Guests – Nozomi


(Fair warning – long post – go get yourself a hot chocolate first)

Since our move to Tasmania nearly 4&1/2 years ago we have had pretty much a constant stream of visitors. Of course lots of family and friends have made the trip down, but also what I call our “Randoms”

Just by luck & word of mouth we have had a lot of travellers coming to stay and enjoy our little area of the world.

Today I will introduce you to Nozomi, a lovely young lady from Japan who was in the first group of ‘randoms’ that we ever had staying here.

It was one of those serendipity things. A girlfriend of mine was at the coast in NSW and spotted Nozomi and her friend Yusuke (more on Yusuke another time 🙂 ) working at an orange juice stall. She recognised them as Japanese and since she spoke the language, went up and made friends and chatted a while.  She found out that they were working around Australia and were bound for Tasmania soon so she said “My friends have just moved to Tasmania, they love Japan, you should go and stay!”

They got in touch and also asked if another friend (Omi – more on him another day) could join them (Jeff was starting to weird-out at this point wondering how many I was going to try to fit in!!) and I am like, hey why not?

Sightseeing – with our first ‘Randoms’ Omi, Yusuke & Nozomi
Putting our guests to work!

We all had the best time. I was supposed to get them to help in the garden and whatnot in exchange for their board, but we were new to Tasmania too and we just had a lot of fun making new friends and travelling about, definitely some gardening but oh so so so much great food!

Japanese Feast

Nozomi is a fabulous cook – we were missing Japanese food and boy did we get spoiled!

So nice when its not me in there!!

The kitchen seemed to always be a hive of activity.

Visiting Sisters Beach

From these three initial guests we have been introduced to no fewer than 10 other Japanese travellers who have stayed with us! Some come and work in the garden and kitchen in exchange for food and board, others have paid us a bit of money to simply do a bit of sightseeing.

Nozomi returned with another friend about a year after her initial trip, a lovely man, Aveen, who we have become really good friends with. He is whacky and funny with a heart of gold! (I am sure more on him later too! 🙂 )

Drama time at Rocky Cape National Park
Aveen hamming it up for the camera

Nozomi worked hard while in Australia and saved enough money to fly both her Mum and her Aunt to Australia and treated them to a 13 day holiday to show them where she had been living and working the past couple of years! What an amazing girl!

Of course part of that trip was a 5 day Tasmanian Adventure.

Family at Boat Harbour Beach
Views over Rock Cape

We fit so much in in our five days! Beaches, hiking, national parks and wildlife! Plenty of wildlife!

Pretty friendly for a wild wallaby!


Joey’s poking their heads out of pouches are always so sweet
Koala at local wildlife refuge poses for photos






Hungry little Tasmanian Devils

And just to prove that not all Australian wildlife is out to kill you… here is a baby devil – totally sweet huh? –

The ‘awww’ factor is strong in this one

And did we eat well while the family was here?? You Betcha!

The ladies cooking up a storm!
A work of art in food
Annoyingly I don’t let people eat until I have taken photos

I think Jeff may have shed a tear when they left!! He especially LOVES Japanese food! 🙂

We really enjoyed their visit – it was pretty much their first time out of Japan and they were so much fun to show around! Like little kids with their eyes open wide! It was great to be a part of that.

Skip forward a bit and Jeff and I got to go back to Japan and travel around a bit. Of course catching up with our friends was an important part of the journey.

Beautiful raked gardens

We went down to Fukuoka to meet Nozomi, who had gotten herself married to a gorgeous fellow, Tetsu!

Happy Couple

They were living with Tetsu’s parents in this beautiful 200 year (plus) home and we were invited to stay. It was the first time ever that foreigners had stayed here! We were welcomed and made part of the family – beautiful lasting memories!!

We slept in this beautiful tatami room


Family home dating back a couple of hundred years!

Every morning Tetsu’s parents take an early walk around the local rice fields and shrines. We joined in one morning and it was fantastic.


Persimmon season
Wild Cosmos
Shrines are common along fields and pathways
Walking around the rice fields


Our welcoming family

And of course we ate really well! Our favourite place was the ramen noodle stalls in Fukuoka!

Ramen bar

First you choose a stall and squeeze right on in –

Love the atmosphere in these bars

Then you start ordering. The portions are small so you can order a nice variety of whatever takes your fancy! The food and atmosphere are equally wonderful –

Simply delicious!

All of these wonderful experiences and new friends just wouldn’t have happened without a chance meeting at an orange juice stall and us opening our home and saying “Sure – come on down”

The directions life goes can be interesting and when you embrace it whole heartedly it often shines back on you tenfold.

We were so happy to meet Nozomi and we look forward to seeing them all again someday – they now have a baby girl who we can’t wait to give a cuddle to!

My Tree Hugging Friend



Banana rescue

Three Bucks! Bargain!

Clearly I didn’t think I had quite enough fruit and vegetables to sort out, so I picked up 3kgs of distressed banana’s to add to my list of “things to chop”

Well, I couldn’t help it. I recently made a couple of banana/raspberry bread loaves and they were stonkingly good. Pretty sure we needed more. (Will add this recipe at a later date)

Banana bread with raspberries

Since the raspberry harvest this season was fabulous – I have a freezer stuffed with packs of frozen raspberries. Brilliant to be able to just make any raspberry item that takes my fancy at any time.

Unfortunately what took my fancy included bananas that I didn’t have!

So I peeled and mashed my box of banana’s (note – peels chopped and will be fed to the rose bushes as I read somewhere about that being good for them) and bagged them up to join the raspberries in the freezer to cook at a later date (After all – my food processing day had hardly begun!)

Now in the freezer

It wasn’t raining, so I set the stall out the front again. Funny thing, when I checked it an hour or so later there was a random dollar in the jar but nothing  had been taken!

I have two theories:

  1.  Someone thinks I am busking.
  2. Someone short changed me yesterday and has conscientiously made the effort to pull up and give me my dollar.

I am good with both these theories.

Todays total take was $11.90 😀

I am a bit puzzled about the 90 cents, but I have decided it goes with the sign that says “take what parsley you need and donate something” 🙂

I finished my current lot of tomato sauce, filled the dehydrator with apples again, pre made dinner for two nights – and then decided to get on with the chillies!

Variety is the spice… ??


I really don’t know how I ended up with so many varieties. I don’t think I pay attention to a lot of the things I put in the ground – but its a lovely surprise when random things grow. Like those round fat chillies! They were meant to be normal capsicum!

This time I ‘suited up’ to tackle the chopping and deseeding part. I suspect a lot of my friends got sick of my whinging and whining about stinging hands for three days after the last effort – seriously – chillies are diabolical!!

The thing about having a nurse in the house is easy access to gloves!

How awesome is the colour tho??

Best colour in the garden!

Happily there will be enough chillies there to make up another batch of sweet chilli sauce – there is a market on Sunday which I am aiming to get to if the weather is agreeable.

I don’t think my dinners are really that interesting all the time to bore you with – but I can’t tell you how good it was to sit down this evening to a couple of home made hamburgers. (I had forgotten about lunch so was a bit peckish by dinner time!)  As I mentioned somewhere in an earlier post, we get out beef locally, and its great having the (mostly) home-made/grown bits and pieces to make the patties and build up the burger!

Yes – tinned pineapple. I am a sucker for it!

Hope your day was great


Playing in the garden, super-sized vegetables & being bugged

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Dancing Gum Trees

It was as windy as all getup here today. Keep looking at the gums looming over the house hoping their roots are holding on tight.

Regardless – it had to be an outdoor day. Too much kitchen time not enough garden time. There is a lot of work to be done – I am sure I will get around to it! 🙂

The corn stalks weren’t really properly dry, but they are messy and providing slug/bug homes so I had to do something with them.

So I reduced them from this –

One of my messes

to this –

Corn stalks reduced for the compost

Lovely scraps to be put in the compost! Very pleased we bought the little mulcher – such a useful tool for this place!

Still plenty of food other than tomatoes. I took time to enjoy hanging out with my ever growing zucchini!! I am curious to see just how big it will get. Was quite awkward trying to get the selfie – lucky I am not too precious about scrounging down in the dirt!!

Vegetable Friends

While I was lying back in the vegie patch, this is the view that myself and (Insert name for zucchini here when I think of one 🙂 ) were enjoying in the sunny afternoon –

Views from the earth

So besides madly oversized zucchini’s, I have pumpkins –

This pumpkin is currently climbing up the fence!
The biggest pumpkin in the garden so far

Heirloom capsicum (these were an accident as I planted ‘normal’ capsicum and got these instead – and I am totally converted! They taste SO good!!) They also change colour from green to yellow to orange and then red! But edible from yellow –

Sweet tasty delights

One struggling eggplant –

Hiding eggplant

My beautiful runner beans! They haven’t made it up and over their arch yet, but I live in hope –

Scarlett Runner Beans

Living on the beans at the moment is quite a colony of very cool little bugs. I don’t think they are doing any harm, but they are really pretty.



There were also little family groups!



I suppose they are all very cute until they start munching their way through your garden!

To finish the day I did eventually have to get back into the kitchen. Due to tomato problem, I made tomato soup for dinner. Have no clue where my recipe is for it so I just had to make it up, throw in what I thought should be in there and hope for the best. Happily it turned out pretty fab (if I do say so myself) and even better I used up a stack more tomatoes.             Happy Days!

Homemade tomato soup

And to round off the day with apples, I made an “Apple Slump” A wonderful old fashioned recipe from my Great Aunt Ruby (who is 99 years old!). Its not fussy or pretty but it tastes great and is a good recipe to have on hand when apples are in season. (I will post a ‘how to’ recipe for this at a later date)

Aaaaand – I totally forgot to feed it to Jeff before he went to work!         Bad Wife!

He said he is looking forward to it for breakfast!

Apple slump

That rounds off another day from Norwich House!


PS The stall is on the up & up – I got $9 today!! 😛



What goes around…


chilli sauce
Sweet Chilli Sauce

I am trying out this whole “Circle of Life” thing and applying it to the household budget, garden produce and grocery shopping thing. I figure I need to make the property pay its way as much as possible, then put those dollars back into things I can’t make or grow myself.

Today was one of those ‘mostly kitchen’ days where I am trying to convert raw food into saleable food, and most of that entails an awful lot of chopping!

First things first, since the day was sunny and breezy I had to do at least some housework related jobs, so two loads of laundry got put out on the line, but I successfully avoided the folding of all the previously washed stuff (that’s why we have a spare room right??)(Altho that pile is getting a bit of a worry as Jeff was complaining about lack of clean undies)(and no – there wasn’t a lack – they were just hiding under some t-shirts)(because you all needed to know that)

Anyway – so, ever hopeful I go and set up my “For Sale” tables out the front in the hope that people may stop and take some tomatoes off my hands and give me some money in exchange.

Roadside Stall

That done, it was time to get the tomato relish bubbling away and chop into more tomatoes.  I had been up silly late last night chopping tomatoes and onions so they could ‘sit’ overnight ready for me to do something with today.

Tomato relish cooking

Even with that 6 pounds in the pot and a box of them out the front I was still left with this to sort –

Tomatoes just keep on coming

So chop chop chop, another 6 pounds done and put in the pot with the right ingredients to get some tomato sauce under way.

(See bottom of post for Tomato Relish Recipe)

We eat our dried apples fairly smartly… so its back to apples!

Red Delicious
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Afternoon under the apple tree

There is a local market held on the foreshore twice a month. I try to get there to sell off my excess produce, sauces, relishes and jams. People seem to like the fact I have grown and made it all myself – organically – so I do reasonably well.

Local Market

I get to meet lots of people, its lovely and social and the view of the ocean can be pretty good too!

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Wynyard Beach – on one of its grouchy days!

I put aside the money from these ventures and it goes back into buying our meat (which we source in bulk locally) and other things like milk, butter, flour, chocolate etc.  My aim is to have more money coming in from produce than leaves in supermarket costs. So far this year I failed in January, but succeeded in February! Yay !!

On tomorrows list? Chillies, tomato sauce, corn – stalk mulching (if its not raining) and apples… will be dreaming of apples…

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Still plenty of apples left

PS In case you were wondering, my roadside stall brought in the princely sum of $3.50 today!! Hilarious! Best not give up my day job huh??           Hang on – this IS my day job!! 🙂



Credit to my Nanna!


6lb ripe tomatoes chopped

2lb onions diced

2lb sugar

3 tablespoons mustard powder

2 tablespoons curry powder

vinegar (I use white to keep gluten free, but malt and cider also work fine)




Mix chopped tomato and onion in a large pot, sprinkle with a handful of salt and leave overnight.   Next day pour off excess liquid, then pour vinegar into the mix until covered.   Add sugar, mix in and bring to boil. Reduce heat and let simmer uncovered for 2-3 hours.   Prepare about 10-12 jars – clean and sterilise in oven (I do mine at 100 deg celcius) and wash lids.   Mix mustard and curry powder with a couple of heaps dessert spoons of cornflour into a separate bowl. Add water and make into smooth paste. Pour into tomato mixture and reheat to thicken.  I usually let that cook for 5 – 10 minutes more.

Pour relish into hot jars and seal.

Fabulous on most meats – hot or cold. Gorgeous on ham and cheese sandwiches and it makes a delightful pizza base sauce! Enjoy!