Gardening (only a bit)

Beetroot ready


Today we trundled up the highway to Devonport to look at a few more properties with Rachel.

We got back late in the afternoon, but I thought I would spend a bit of time attending to at least one patch in the garden and de-weed. Rachel pulled on some old clothes of mine and joined in the fun… until we realised it was 7pm and thought it was past time to get inside and organise dinner!

Can hardly tell where the corn is! The weeds have been growing enthusiastically!
This makes me feel better! Now to get that seaweed mulch ASAP

The zucchini and pumpkin plants are starting to make a move – they all have more than three leaves now!


The ‘runt of the litter’ in the punnet of apple cucumber seedlings has done very well. I babied it in the hothouse – now its far healthier looking than its poor siblings!


I am pretty sure this one is going to die – I may save the other 4 original ones (there were 6 plus the one above)

Tragic. I just learned that cucumbers really don’t like mulch near their stems.

On a brighter note – I finally spied some snow pea flowers!!


A few potato flowers starting to show as well
I think they are bigger today aren’t they?

Remember I plonked a couple of tomato laterals in a jar of water a few weeks back??


Well, they finally started showing some roots!

New beginnings

Hope you had a lovely day


Taking time for a fancy cuppa

Author: Lisa

A happy traveller through life! Right now living in NW Tasmania with a gorgeous Nurse-Husband, a fool of a Siamese Cat and several chickens. We love our fairly simple lifestyle of growing a lot of what we eat and enjoying the stunning surrounds of our little patch.

4 thoughts on “Gardening (only a bit)”

    1. I was a bit slack about taking photos – except we went back to the 70’s house and I took a few more interior snaps because it was just so mad! I was thinking of doing a little walking tour around Wynyard sometime and taking photos of the homes in the neighbourhoods to show it off a bit.

    1. What a pain about your lettuce! I put nothing on my lettuce and have no trouble (except where a pesty chicken gets in and helps herself to salad!!) (I haven’t seen any anti-chicken-sprays in the garden shops!!)
      Have you heard of vegie netting? My girlfriend introduced me to it last season. we have hassles with cabbage moth and grubs with the brassicas over summer, so we grow them as a winter crop. However, this stuff is a fine mesh and does a great barrier job. I think I will put in my broccoli somewhere and sort out the covering. Its really useful!

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