Saturday – Kitchen, Garden & Walking

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Bucketing down


We finally started getting some decent rain yesterday! It got pretty wild there for a while!

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Trees getting a drink
Pretty in the rain

I had planned on going to the market tomorrow so I picked what was left of my beetroot to make into chutney

Last of the season

Sadly the weather forecast is rain and wind – so I am staying home. Its not that I am a sook about getting up at 6am to stand about in the wind and rain – (well actually, I am) – but on days like those no-one much comes out to buy stuff (sensibly so).

Good sized!

I decided to roast up the beetroot anyway, I just didn’t make up the chutney yet

Big Beetroot – I am giving credit to my kelp juice

The girls won the leafy bits

Green treats

I love the colour!!


I peeked under my vegie netting to find my broccolini taking shape!!

Spot the grub

I also found a few leftover grubs!! I have to squash them myself because our spoiled chickens turn their beaks up at them!!!

They eat so much for a small grub!

I had to get onto clearing up the windfall apples as the European wasps were getting too plentiful.

Problem wasps

Lucky the cows have been moooved (haha right??) closer and were happy to munch up the dodgy apples

They won’t take it from my hand – yet

Best coloured apples! 🙂

Snow White Moment

Got a decent haul of windfalls – into the dehydrator they go



Well, I finally came up with a goal for this year. Every day during May, I am to walk the 8km circuit around the Inglis River. I have a number of spare kilo’s that I’d be happier without, so…

Start of our circuit begins at the bridge not far down from our house

The fluffy cattails line the river banks – you can use the roots to make something similar to flour-Jeff collected & processed some roots and today made a cake/blob/biscuit from them.

End of the season for the cattails
Its really soft

I would say this is kinda like a damper… the taste wasn’t bad. It would stick with you for a looooong time I suspect. It was also somewhat gritty, so I am going to recommend he wash the roots out more!!! 😀

Still – its fun to try bizarre new things.

(Jeff’s photo)

Anyway, back to the walk… Its pretty easy – a few ups and downs, but not too punishing

Track by the river

I like the paper like bark on these trees


The tide was pretty low as we set out. the muddy banks aren’t as pretty, but they are a hive of activity as you see little crabs scuttling about everywhere


You get to walk through a mini rainforest –

Pretty pathways



The first real excitement of the day was seeing a Tiger Snake!


Hardly saw a snake all summer – I was surprised to see this one.

Dodgy photo – Snake was in a hurry to hide!

I enjoy how the path changes along the way with the vegetation


A bit scorched in this area

Little bits of interest…

Random Agapanthus
Bunch of Fungi

But the most exciting part of the day was at the close of our walk when we came across a platypus!! It’s so rare to see one in the wild – and this one was practically doing cartwheels for us!! (They are supposed to be shy!)

Platypus surfaced almost at my feet!!!

If you are not familiar with this animal, it is classed as a Monotreme. That is an egg laying mammal – a class that also includes the Echidna. Its a lonely group – they are the only two animals that belong in it!! Platypus are the oddest looking creatures with their duck bills and beaver-like tails. It really looks like they were put together in a hurry.  Cute they may be, but in keeping with the good traditions of Australian animals that want to kill you, they are equipped with venomous spurs – so not a good idea to cuddle them. Apparently the pain from a scratch is pretty bad, and also impervious to normal painkillers, even morphine. And it lasts for months.

So hard to photograph – they blend so well with the water!

Well – off to bed for me. We have some new arrivals tomorrow morning.

I’ll keep you posted! 😀

Cheers and enjoy your weekend!


Author: Lisa

A happy traveller through life! Right now living in NW Tasmania with a gorgeous Nurse-Husband, a fool of a Siamese Cat and several chickens. We love our fairly simple lifestyle of growing a lot of what we eat and enjoying the stunning surrounds of our little patch.

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