Wood Stacked!

Looking all the way back to yesterday – the front lawn with a nice stock of wood.

We had a decent lot of wood leftover from last season and I must say I thanked myself and Jeff a lot today when stacking the latest pile… so much easier now I have these pallet walls and built in back. No balancing and can fit so much more in without feeling its going to fall on my head!

I only planned to sensibly do half today and half tomorrow – but I was enjoying myself out in the sunshine (sweating!!!) plus I also wanted to impress Jeff. So its all done and dusted. Well I was not so much dusted as splintery, so tonights shower was rather extra nice!!

I moved the sprinklers around today as I worked to give various parts of the yard a decent soaking. It was nice taking a bit of a break from wood stacking to get a bit of a cool down as I moved it here and there!

The first tomato plants are about done. Looking woebegone but still have fruit ripening. Everything else is lush and the whitefly seems to be lessening with the spray doses I have been giving them in the evenings

I am really quite pleased with my herb garden and its extension… even though pumpkins, tomatoes, cucumbers & capsicums aren’t herbs… well… its all going along pretty nicely. Even better since yesterdays haircut & tidy up!

Apples everywhere.

Thrilled that I finally have several butternut pumpkins growing well.

Not having children, we never thought about being ‘Empty Nesters’ but I confess, here we are – our little feathered friends have flown!
I peeked at them yesterday and they were sitting up looking ready to go! I feel a little sad as it all happened so quickly!
I hope they stick around the area!

The bees are still hard at work.

I really am enjoying the sunflowers! I have too many photos – always looking for the perfect snap!!

Hope your day was perfect too!

Author: Lisa

A happy traveller through life! Right now living in NW Tasmania with a gorgeous Nurse-Husband, a fool of a Siamese Cat and several chickens. We love our fairly simple lifestyle of growing a lot of what we eat and enjoying the stunning surrounds of our little patch.

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