Yesterday in Nara

20171110_141135 Hello!

We did a day in Nara yesterday and it was quite a long day… I think we were all in bed before 9pm and dead to the world!

Nara is my favourite city… I used to live close by and also it was the first place I knew when starting to travel and live in Japan. So for me it is a very comfortable and familiar place.


Our first stop was to a little Japanese garden. Not so well known by tourists but really beautiful. It was nice to go in and stroll around and enjoy the beauty and peace.




The autumn colours are starting to show.

Next stop was to brave the crowds and deer and walk up on into Nara Park where I wanted to show my parents Todaiji… the amazing building housing the large seated Buddha.


Its a stunning building…even more amazing that it was rebuilt at only two thirds its original size!



The lanturn is from the original 8th century building



And this has always been my favourite guardian… he has a wonderfully angry face – like he really takes his job seriously. Also the workmanship is superb!


Well… thats a bit of our day in Nara!

Hope your day was great too



Author: Lisa

A happy traveller through life! Right now living in NW Tasmania with a gorgeous Nurse-Husband, a fool of a Siamese Cat and several chickens. We love our fairly simple lifestyle of growing a lot of what we eat and enjoying the stunning surrounds of our little patch.

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